Just wanted to make you all aware of this for if/when it appears on your state ballot: Referendums for Michigan is collecting signatures to vote against the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act. The group’s founder, Paul Urben, apparently thinks it’s a good idea that the mentally unstable and future serial killers maintain their constitutionally guaranteed right to firearms. As many as they want. Traditional, semiautomatic. Branch Davidian-sized stockades, if they desire. Y’know…'cos them deer get mean.

Okay, okay, I take back all of that snark.

Urben claims his concern is for the courts, the backlog that this law could potentially create for our state’s legal system what with (in his opinion) all the future false alarms. Who will think of the lawyers?

Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of information I could find on Mr Urben nor his motives beyond the various news sites covering this signature-gathering. “Referendums for Michigan” doesn’t even have a web presence. Who is this guy?

Since I’ve done all the talking this time instead of the usual article quoting, I point you to a WDIV survey in regards to the upcoming “red flag” law Urben & Co. are trying to defeat.