I’m just screwing around with the OS, but I have to say, I’m a bit perplexed.

I wanted to install GIMP and LibreOffice, so I clicked on the AppCenter only to find out it couldn’t find either of them. Which is bizzarre, because I can install both using apt just fine. As it turns out, the AppCenter only has 51 curated applications, completely ignoring the abundance of programs already available in the Ubuntu repositories, making the AppCenter a bit useless.

Then there’s the desktop. I’m not entirely sure why I’m not allowed to have icons on it. macOS has desktop icons. As does Windows. Hell, almost every OS with a GUI does. Apparently, there’s something called Elementary Tweaks which lets you enable them, but why would anyone have to jump through hoops to enable this basic functionality?

I guess I just don’t understand who this OS is meant for.

  • @hergeirs@lemmy.ml
    173 years ago

    Let’s try to be respectful of each other. I’m sure the devs of Elementary have their own vision and goals of their platform. They give their users an option to use their work for free and with no obligations. Why on earth would you bash their work when you obviously are not their target demographic.

    It’s really not fair to call their users stupid either.

    I really expected to find more evolved discussions on lemmy compared to reddit. Let’s stop the silly, meaningless bashing of opposing opinions or even worse personal attacks. Let’s not let this platform devolve into mob mentality.

    And by the way I’m not the target demographic either. I’m a software developer using arch wherever I can.

  • @neuromancer@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    The developer properly prefers how the desktop looks without icons, I also never use icons on the desktop, I think it makes it look messy.

    That said, I understand why many want icons on the desktop.

  • @pinknoise@lemmy.ml
    03 years ago

    I think elementary is meant for old seniors, young children, people with a masters in business administration and ex-apple cultists. Not serious users.

    • @onlooker@lemmy.mlOP
      03 years ago

      old seniors, young children, people with a masters in business administration and ex-apple cultists

      Are people with a masters in business administration not tech savvy?

      • @pinknoise@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        The point was that they have the intellect and gullibility of a child. Also I didn’t want to bash elementary, I just wanted to say they don’t really target “power users”. (In case that was a bit unclear)