You’d think a street as busy as Clark is, the #22 would be a flagship bus line. But every time this week I’ve clocked out at rush hour, the nearest southbound bus is 20-30 minutes away. Legit faster to just walk to Metra and wait for it. Why does this particular bus suffer so much, when some nearby lines operate fairly well?
Lincoln bus was always a mess as well. I think part of it is likely that those north side diagonals are not very wide but very popular with many destinations so the buses have to do a lot of waiting for private vehicles.
I wish they’d get rid of the parking lanes and make brt/wide bike lanes but meter deal
Why does the bus, the larger of the vehicles, not simply eat the private vehicles?
Yes please. I want to see the busses chomp down on the little cars. And with each successive car pellet munched, the bus increases in size and speed. Eventually, it’s a quintuple-decker block-long behemoth, that sprouts wings, and can get you from Howard to 95th in 10 mins.
FWIW, it’s many similar bus lines that are equally as frustrating. I have the luxury/stubbornness/foolhardiness to shift my transportation method to cycling but everyone doesn’t have that option