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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Right on. And the same tactic had been going on even earlier. Starting back in the late 1800s with the opium laws in San Francisco. Too many Asians moving in, hence the beginning of the gross “yellow peril” propaganda. The laws were specifically created to target Asians. Then in the 1930s, Reefer Madness-type propaganda was heavily targeted against Mexicans. Blacks and heroin, then crack. Jazz musicians, beatniks, hippies, on and on… always another group to “Other” because of their race or their eschewing of social mores, so pave a legal framework to come down on them from. Much of drug law history was born out of a desire to eliminate an undesireable group.

  • And betray their pro-life stance, once again. As George Carlin said:

    “They’re all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don’t want to know about you. They don’t want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

  • This is a good step forward for accessibility, but unfortunately, the $50 price tag will still put it out of the hands of many who need it. It should be handed out, for free, to anybody who wants it. There’s zero downsides. It cannot be misused, diverted, or abused. It has no other uses. It has no effect on someone not ODing. It cannot benefit anyone in any possible way… unless they are actually dying right now. If we were serious about saving lives, we would be gladly giving it out. Hell, put it in free vending machines on the street. It would be the ultimate pro-life move. But, of course, in a capitalist hellscape, profit motive is of utmost importance. How about drug cos. making billions off opiods foot the bill? Thankfully, there are many great harm reduction organizations that do hand it out free, but the easier to get, the less people die. I recommend anyone pick up some, if you can find it for free, even if you don’t think you’d need it. Home/work/car, you never know what might happen in your vicinity. It’s like the modern Heimlich Maneuver. Ok… that’s my PSA for the day.

  • lol Let it be known I have nothing against Majel Barrett. I immensely appreciate the endless work she put into keeping Trek going over the years, I love that her computer voice is omnipresent, I dig her as Nurse Chapel, and I think she would’ve been great as #1 on TOS, had she continued the role. Personally, I just think the writers pushed the earlier Lwaxana character too far into purposefully annoying territory, and without enough redeeming qualities to balance it out. She embodied some highly dislikable characteristics – a narcissistic sense of entitlement, being rudely dismissive, ignoring boundaries and being seemingly oblivious to others’ feelings – which never made sense to me, her being a telepath. Either she’s a Betazoid lacking in telepathy, or she’s well aware her impositions and advances are unwanted and make people uncomfortable, but doesn’t care and proceeds anyway. But any blame, I put solely on the writers, not Majel. And I definitely softened to her when they started giving her some character development, later in TNG and esp in DS9 with the Odo plotline. The elevator scene completely won me over.

  • Now I’m imagining the TOS version where 3/4 of the pie chart is “gets some tail”, and 1/4 is “thinly veiled cold war allegories” about a society in decline that’s lost all individuality and forgot how to function, as it’s being run by a computer. (Although most of those involve getting some tail, too.)

  • theredroomtoMusicJim Croce - Bad, Bad Leroy Brown
    2 years ago

    I knew a guy who claimed to be the inspiration for the song. Of course, his story’s to be taken with, not just a grain, but a salt shaker worth of salt. There was a bar in Chicago called Reservation Blues, run by blues guitarist, Eddie “The Chief” Clearwater. They had another old blues guy working the door named Leroy Brown (which he would gladly prove with id, upon request). He said he knew Jim Croce way back and he was the guy. He matched a few of the trappings… tall, from the south side, etc. Leroy was a master story teller, with a hundred wild tales to tell. You couldn’t care less if they were all true, exaggerated, or whatever - everyone loved shooting the shit with him. I bartended across the street, so I saw him a lot and liked having an after hours drink with him, until they closed a couple years later.

  • theredroomtoChicagoWhat's the deal with the #22 Clark?
    2 years ago

    Yes please. I want to see the busses chomp down on the little cars. And with each successive car pellet munched, the bus increases in size and speed. Eventually, it’s a quintuple-decker block-long behemoth, that sprouts wings, and can get you from Howard to 95th in 10 mins.