President Bidenā€™s reelection campaign bashed former President Trump on Tuesday after he said he hoped the U.S. economy would crash in the next 12 months, arguing he doesnā€™t care about people.

ā€œDonald Trump should just say he doesnā€™t give a damn about people, because thatā€™s exactly what heā€™s telling the American people when he says he hopes the economy crashes. In his relentless pursuit of power and retribution, Donald Trump is rooting for a reality where millions of Americans lose their jobs and live with the crushing anxiety of figuring out how to afford basic needs,ā€ campaign manager Julie ChĆ”vez RodrĆ­guez said.

Trump, in an interview with former Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs on a network launched by MyPillow founder Mike Lindell, called the economy ā€œfragileā€ and said he is hoping for a crash within the year.

  • SwingingTheLamp
    6 months ago

    Or, is it possible that, under pressure from Clinton, Barak made an intentionally shitty offer that Arafat could not accept? In any case, thereā€™s the Arab Peace Initiative that put on the table several times a peace settlement based on the 1967 borders, which Israel never considered. Another fun fact: Israel facilitated the creation of Hamas as a way to counter Fatah and the PA, which were becoming too moderate, and too open to a deal.

    In sum, the parent commenter has it right. Israel has had plenty of opportunities for peace, but has chosen to treat Palestinians like dirt with a brutal and grinding occupation. Itā€™s human nature that some would fight back.

      6 months ago

      I was aware of the second fun fact. Netanyahu needed Hamas because he never wanted a deal. But I donā€™t think the deal was near as shitty as we think. That would have been a hell of a lot better than whatever the fuck is happening now.

      Itā€™s only human nature that they gang rape women until their genitals arenā€™t recognizable? What Hamas did was pure terrorism and in no way a natural human reaction. Much of their motivation came from wanting to destroy Israel, not wanting to live side-by-side with it

      • SwingingTheLamp
        6 months ago

        And so does that justify Israel behaving just as badly? And Arafat should have taken Barakā€™s shitty deal because of the atrocities that Israel is capable of unleashing? Brutalizing and killing a civilian population in order to achieve a political goal? That sounds a lot like the t word, too.