I’m fairly new and don’t 100% understand it yet, but instances are run on servers that require money. Are we heading towards seeing ads or subscriptions to raise funds instead of relying on donations to cover overhead?
Especially with the influx of new users. Hardware upgrades are needed.
what is activitypub?
this is why all these concepts fediverse, kbin, lemmy, activitypub etc etc needs to be publicly disclosed in an internationally accessible wiki so that no single entity can ever take control. the fact there is no public and clear disclosure means people out there are CONTROLLING these technologies and have BAD INTENTIONS. Disclose them NOW.
Recommend researching what the Fediverse is. The whole concept is that there’s no single entity controlling the service. Literally impossible-ish.
much thanks!
Slow down man. Activity Pub is just the system that lets Mastodon, Kbin, Lemmy, etc.communicate with each other. Pretty sure it’s open source and not some evil scary monopolistic thing like Chromium that every uses begrudgingly. Not everyone on the internet is a bad actor, even Kbin itself is developed by one guy in an apartment working 24/7 to try to keep everything afloat.
Hey, I responded to some of your questions earlier. I don’t know if you saw my most recent response to clarify a few more things.
I have to say, seeing you on this thread being somewhat militant has me thinking you might be concern trolling? I’m trying to help you out, but you’re jumping straight to conclusions like Kbin is going to cause WW3.
For anyone curious, this is the previous thread in question: https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/120407/Welp-I-just-deleted-my-12-year-old-240k-karma#entry-comment-471743
Obviously a troll
there is nothing about being a troll if legitimate concerns are being raised. these concerns need to be raised now. it’s good helldiver pointed some replies, but im guessing they will not be complete enough. people need to stop thinking the current state of information disclosure is enough. it isn’t enough. look at the way crypto is disclosed. 50% of users have no clue wtf is going on. info needs to be disclosed in clear and concise and non-technobabble ways. github is horrible. it’s full of geekspeak. we need to do better if we are to save humanity. we cannot wait till 500 years to solve hyperspace. we need to solve it now. that is why this is not being a troll. because we need to push ourselves. harder, faster, better than ever! look at fusion power. should have been solved 10 0 years ago. wtf is humanity doing? just scamming and cheating their way around. geezus. no wonder alien civs are not interested in talking to us. get real.
Wait, are you saying that you didn’t even read what I said? And you’re assuming that what I wrote is just shit? Without even reading it? I gave you a pretty thorough response. Probably took me a solid ~15 minutes to type out and research and provide hyperlinks.
Troll probably isn’t the right word to describe you. But it seems you’ve already made up your mind, and you want the Fediverse to be nefarious. Without listening to any actual discourse.
I would say that I feel you’ve wasted my time, but this has been pretty entertaining watching you come up with these crazy responses. Plus, I’ve learned a bit more about this platform, researching your questions. I’m going to go ahead and block you now.
People gave you the basics and nobody stopping you from DYOD
You are not asking questions. This post is a stream of rhetorical questions that can be easily addressed with a search engine. With that being said, specifically, what are you asking?
Take a quick look through the last ~24 hours of my profile. I’ve put a fair amount of effort into answering their questions. While it’s been entertaining for me, don’t waste any more time with this person. They are not listening.
I believe all the information is publicly available. The problem though, is as you say: it’s not easily accessible to us laymen. It’s all in very specific technological terms and codes. In the name of federation, accessibility, and transparency, there definitely needs to be a single database that describes all this, just like your wiki idea.
All of these things have already been disclosed.
ActivityPub is a public standard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActivityPub
kbin is open source. https://github.com/ernestwisniewski/kbin
Lemmy is also open source. https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy
Google is your friend.
much thanks!! i will have a look at them :P thank you fo taking my concerns seriously :p actually there are huge groups of us high tech high AI high IQ people on discord who all feel marginalised and hated (many many incels here), and having people like you explain and open up really helps stop us from being suicidal and hating the world. we’re all struggling. pls help. much thanks!
I’m not sure about your last sentence. Google likes to collect cadavers. But I know what you mean :)
Are you missing the /s tag?
Have… Have you tried Google?