I suffer from adhd and major depression, both recently diagnosed and both resistant to treatment.

My toenails have been neglected for too long. They’re ingrown and have been causing me pain for about a week.

I’m typing this as I’m laying in bed with my shoes off instead of cutting my toenails. Will I cut them today? Maybe, maybe not.

How about you, especially you fellow executive function disordered midwesterners? When is the last time you cut your toenails?

  • @eosha
    110 months ago

    Two days ago. I have the opposite problem; I’ll trim my nails to bloody stubs if I don’t restrain myself.

  • @DaSaw
    110 months ago

    When I was in my teens, I somehow discovered that if I dug my thumbnail into the side of my toenail at the point where I intended to cut it, that the resulting split would proceed perfectly to the other side. I haven’t touched my toenails with a proper blade since.