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I’m not having kids because billionaires have bribed, lobbied, misinformed this country, and by extension the world, to the brink ruin
Yeah but they are still having kids lol that’s just what they want
I really hope this guy loses everything one day.
Ah yes, “I don’t want to say gay and intersex people shouldn’t be allowed to vote, but I do want it to happen.”
Anyways I’m sterile and drive the most fuel efficient vehicle practical, don’t eat meat, and have made other sacrifices for future generations to have a habitable planet. Musky here has a private jet and at least one of his kids hates him
This may come as a shock to him, but a gay person can have children.
Not if he has anything to say about it.
Gay parenting rights were a hard fought battle and are currently being eroded in some places like Florida and Italy.
Oh, he’s a piece of shit, alright. What where we thinking, holding this dude up as some kind of visionary?
Who is “we”. There are many who could Musk’s bullshit from day one. But I’m glad more people are coming around to seeing this asshole in his true light.
So does he want landed votes or wealthy vote only ?
Don’t forget white males only!
They took our ability to have children through monetary strain, caused by corporate greed, now they think we should lose voting rights lol…
That’s just what a world with exponential population growth and its causing environmental impact needs /s
I’ve heard people make this kind of argument before: ‘People with children are actively invested in the future of the nation. People without children are on a 100year free-trial.’
Its not unthinkable, tbh.
I have kids but this is such a dumb take. Some of the worst people that don’t give a shit about anything or anyone other than themselves have a kids. It’s not hard. The barrier to entry is super low.
On the other hand, some of the most genuinely thoughtful and kind people in the world have no kids whether by choice or otherwise.
This would be a horrible way to do things.
Fair enough. Its not my position, either… However this is the logic for the idea. Seemingly nobody even tried to rationalize this in-thread, lol. Its literally not-un-thinkable :p
There isn’t much to rationalize, it’s not a good idea at the surface level, you don’t need to dig deep to see that.
Lol, if you insist :p I take it you’ve never tried a Steelman?
I mean, feel free to fix the logic and then we can talk about.
First, let me steelman your argument :] ‘Having children doesnt automatically mean that you’re a good, responsible, person.’ Let me know how I did. Given the above–
Of course having children doesn’t imbue a person with extra knowldge or virtue. However removing such barriers to vite (like lower voting age, allowing non-homeowners, allowing some fellons, et al) also does not grant extra knowldge or virtue. If the goal of society is to promote the ideals of the knowldgable/virtuous, it becomes necessary to find ways to delineate the two. One metric could be education level, another could be Starship Troopers, another could be a threshold of tax expenditures (after +$x of taxes paid)… There are many, including selecting for only those with children. This option has a few benefits. Chief among them, IMO, is that (at large) they want their children to inherit a functional society. Thus they may be more forward-thinking and more resistant to flippant changes in order to achieve a sense of stability. And, stability is good for society.
What evidence do you have that shows that the majority of people with children are more forward-thinking and more resistant to flippant changes in order to achieve a sense of stability?
Also, why do you think the goal of society is to promote the ideals of the knowledgeable/virtuous? And why is limiting voting rights the best way to do this?
Shouldn’t the goal of society to be to promote education so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to be knowledgeable and virtuous? I think you’d agree with this, but I know you’ll loop it back and say limiting voting to people with children would help this, to which I say again, where is the evidence?
It’s pretty damn unthinkable when it excludes most gay people.
True, but it also disquifies the incels. Probably balanced ;]
No. No it is not balanced. It is a blatant attack on gay people by a bigot.
Theres a lot of people that dont have kids. Theres a lot of kids looking for adoption… If the law is applied evenly then I see no conflict.
There’s a lot of people who shouldn’t be parents. Maybe we shouldn’t encourage child abuse. Just a thought.
Encourage child abuse? Are you suggesting people will take on children to so they can vote? Im not saying it wouldn’t happen, but I think it’ll be happen less than more. Or, another way, that a great mant of people are already taking on the duty of rearing children without any benefit (okay, maybe tax write-offs).
but I think it’ll be happen less than more
Oh good, as long as it’s only some child abuse…
It sure has become trendy to criticize Elon for anything he says.
I would criticize anyone who would claim such a thing.
How dare people criticize someone who wants to take voting rights away from a huge percentage of the population!
Is this guy literally having a psychosis?
His actions lately (I say lately, loosely) have been absolutely batshit bonkers.
I’m enjoying the show none the less
at this point I’m not surprized, he gives a GIVE ME ATTENTION vibe hardcore, everything he does is against cultural standard.
Hey why stop there? Let’s also not allow voting for people that have been disowned by their kids like musk has. And no voting for religious people who think earth is just a pit stop before heaven/hell so there’s no need to improve life on earth at all.
obviously sh*tty propagandawhat a ridiculous foolishness is he?What about spoiled billionaires who’s children despise him?
How about instead we eliminate the voting rights (and eligibility to hold office or judgeships) of those who are within 10 years of their life expectancy? Childless middle-aged adults have a lot more stake in the state of the world they are going to be living in for the next 40-50 years than the old farts who are about to die.