An ex-MAGA activist warns “no civic savior is coming” as Donald Trump’s cognitive decline becomes undeniable

What if Donald Trump defeats President Biden and takes control of the White House in 2025? He has already announced his plans to become the country’s first dictator, and to launch a reign of terror and revenge against his so-called enemies. As detailed in documents such as Project 2025, Agenda 47, and elsewhere, the infrastructure is being created right now to put Trump’s neofascist plans to end multiracial pluralistic democracy in effect on “day one." The so-called resistance will not have the courtesy of ramping up or mobilizing to stop Dictator Trump’s onslaught. It will be a “shock and awe” campaign visited upon the American people.

Dictator Trump’s reign of terror will be made even worse by the fact that as shown during recent speeches, interviews, and at other events he appears to be encountering severe difficulties in cognition, language, and memory.

In a series of recent conversations with me here at Salon, Dr. John Gartner, a prominent psychologist and contributor to the bestselling book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President,” has issued this warning: “Not enough people are sounding the alarm, that based on his behavior, and in my opinion, Donald Trump is dangerously demented. In fact, we are seeing the opposite among too many in the news media, the political leaders and among the public. There is also this focus on Biden’s gaffes or other things that are well within the normal limits of aging. By comparison, Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia. This is a tale of two brains. Biden’s brain is aging. Trump’s brain is dementing.”

    8 months ago

    What? Which ones?

    I’m actually drawing blanks. Perhaps it’s survivorship bias but to me it seems like most cults of personality stick around if there’s no force actively shutting them down, generally with violence.

    Nazi germany, for example, didn’t end because hitler died. It ended because the allies and the soviet union occupied germany for decades squelching any Nazi sentiment. Ditto for Japan with the Hirohito (who himself was in a long line of royals that still continues just with muted power). You can look at mormonism where the founder was killed by a mob, that’s still very much alive. Or Scientology where the leader had a heart attack. Heck, even the moonies are still around.

    Without a heavy societal push, cults of personality very often linger.

    • frezik
      8 months ago

      Oneida Cult. It dispersed almost immediately when the founder was arrested, and all that remains is the silverware manufacturer. Quite a few other examples in upstate New York in the 19th century, which was a very popular place to start weird new religious movements. There were tons of them, but you only hear about a handful that survived–Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses are about it.

      Nazis did fight right up to the point where Hitler died. He was the one pushing them to fight until every man, woman, and child in Germany was dead. Hitler died on April 30, and the official surrender happened on May 2. Nobody was actually interested in continuing to let Germany burn.

      So yes, it’s a matter of survivorship bias. You know the counter examples because they stayed around, but they’re exceptions.

      Without a heavy societal push, cults of personality very often linger.

      They may linger, but they never have the power they used to. If they do, they have to rebuild from scratch, which is more or less what Trump does with white supremacists.

        8 months ago

        They may linger, but they never have the power they used to. If they do, they have to rebuild from scratch, which is more or less what Trump does with white supremacists.

        I guess this is what generally concerns me about trump. I don’t think he’ll be replaced while he’s alive. However, the apparatus that made him a god amoung racists is still in place and hasn’t substantially been changed since he left office.

        What’s frightening to me is it just takes the rightwing grifters to rally on another god king to ultimately start this problem anew. We have an entire “media” ecosystem that’s now learned that fascism is actually kind of cool.

        The only hope, it seems to me, is that his supporters tend to be old people that will end up dying around the same time he does.

        • frezik
          8 months ago

          I’ll also say that I don’t think the study of cults (or more accurately to the terminology of the field, high control organizations and the BITE model) are very well developed. They’re focused on identifying them, and helping individuals leave and reacclimate to the larger society. There’s very little research on how high control organizations end, why the cults of personality that survived in the long run managed to do so, or tactics that could be used to dissolve them on a greater scale.

            8 months ago

            Here’s the thing, I’m not sure I’d totally classify Trumpism as a high control org. It certainly has aspects of it, but it probably more closely resembles the hippy movement of the 60s (from which many cults did spring). The only real core belief is how awesome trump is. Beyond that it’s a bunch of fringe and frayed beliefs based whatever that individual might believe.

            For example, I have black in-laws that are also trump supporters (yeah… I know) who are convinced that Trump isn’t racist AND that trump has this secret plan that would have made all black people fabulously wealthy, Had Joe biden not stolen the election. It was something that was always on the cusp of happening were it not for “the deep state”.

            I don’t think this is a mainstream trump belief but I now have to wonder how many trumpist have these sorts of special whacky beliefs untethered from the reality of who trump is.

            But then there’s another phenomena that seems somewhat unique to trump which is, when he says something they do not like it’s “He didn’t say that. Oh, he did say that? Well he didn’t mean that, it was just something he said for X reason”. That is, they don’t actually care about what Trump says or does, they care about what he represents. Trump can’t really command his followers super effectively because half the time they are going to think he’s “just being trump”. This is also where it’s scary because a number of his followers want violence and I don’t think trump could stop them if they started down that path.

            • frezik
              8 months ago

              I don’t think this is a mainstream trump belief but I now have to wonder how many trumpist have these sorts of special whacky beliefs untethered from the reality of who trump is.

              As a former Jehovah’s Witness myself, I can see parallels here. There are often things believed by rank and file members that don’t match up with what people at the top are saying.

              For example, if you were to ask regular JWs what the doctrine says about the Big Bang theory, you would get an answer consistent with most fundamentalists Christians–that is, throwing it in the same bucket as evolution. However, I’ve also gone over the actual published material on the subject, and it’s not actually obvious what the official stance is. Much of what has been written in official material is along the lines of “the Big Bang shows that science agrees that the universe has a beginning, just like Genesis says”. It never quite comes right out and approves it, but it never strongly denies it, either. It’s a major contrast from evolution, where the official stance is quite clear.

              They seem to be fully aware that the rank and file think one thing, but the official doctrine in place is something else. I find that even many former members are surprised to learn this.

              I bring this up to say that you might be seeing a similar thing among your relatives. There are all sorts of crazy Trump beliefs that derive from nothing the man has actually done or said. People will imprint their own thoughts and hopes into places where there is otherwise a vacuum of things the cult tells you to think.

                8 months ago

                Oh hey, I’m exmormon myself! Isn’t it fun how these high demand religions drive you into researching what makes cults in the first place :D

                We sort of have an analogy within mormonism though it’s a bit different. For mormons, the issue is almost the opposite, rather than no ever having an official stance on things mormonism has had official stances on just about everything but then it’s slowly walked them back and distanced itself from the wacky belief. However, that means that the rank and file still remember, hold onto, and retell things that the org itself would rather go away. For example, blacks and the priesthood. Mormons would much rather the doctrine and leaders weren’t so explicit about the “curse of Cain”.

                Similarly, mormonism has gone everywhere from denying evolution to even denying astronomy (They used to literally believe that the sun was Heaven, the moon lesser heaven, and the stars even lesser heaven). That’s actually why mormons were some of the first moon landing conspiracy theorists.

                We do have some off track beliefs with little to no teachings, but mormons are a lot quicker to try and tamp down and eliminate those. For example, heavenly mother.

                The end result is you do still have people teaching weird non-doctrinal (or previously doctrinal) while the church tries to back away and kill them off.

                I know this is a bit of a sidetrack, but are you still in contact with anyone that’s a JW and are they all Trumpers? Trumpism took mormons by storm, they are some of the most dedicated adherents to it. I’m wondering if the same thing happened with other high demand religions.

                • frezik
                  8 months ago

                  I don’t have any particular contact with JWs. My impression is that the rules against contacting ex members among the Latter Day Saints is much weaker than JWs, who have a strong prohibition against it.

                  That said, JWs in general are supposed to be politically neutral, which means not voting and not explicitly taking sides. Now, during my time in, I heard plenty of people express opinions that would tend to land one direction or another, and I had similar opinions myself. Most of the ones I heard actually tended more towards the Democratic party than Republicans, but that might be because I grew up in a city and people absorb the opinions of other people around them.

                  Most ex JWs go either towards Democrats or much further to the left.

                    8 months ago

                    Your impression is correct. I knew it was bad for exJW but hoping it wasn’t still pretty universally bad.

                    Sorry to hear you had to go through that. I can’t imagine how big of a mindfuck that would be coupled with the mindfuck of “everything I was taught was a lie”. Just the latter was one of the worst experience of my life.

                    I hope you are in a much better place now.

                    7 months ago

                    Latter-day Saints have absolutely no prohibition against interacting with former members of the Church. Unfortunately, many former members leave under difficult circumstances and distance themselves from their friends who remain in the Church. We would love nothing more than to stay in contact with them and still be friends.

                  7 months ago

                  Trumpism took mormons by storm, they are some of the most dedicated adherents to it.

                  Plenty of us despise him, though, and one of the highest leaders of the Church has donated to the Democratic party in the past.

                    7 months ago

                    Oh wow, I need to update my mental facts here.


                    Early demographics for Mormons was something like 70% approval which had them as one of the most trumpy demographics. However, it looks like that approval has taken a significant nose dive. With a majority now disfavoring him.

                    If I can ask. Did you previously support Trump? If so, what changed to make you despise him? Also, in the up coming election what are you planning on doing (assuming both Biden and Trump are the nominees, which seems obvious at this point).

                    I have known anti trump Mormons, but my understanding is they were the minority (apparently not).

      8 months ago

      Scientology is a religion, was always meant to be a religion. Trump isn’t going down that angle. Ironically, he’s too much of a narcissist to have the self inflection enough to become a religious leader.

      With something like Trump, who else in the party is going to take up the banner? DeSantis? He got completely fucking disgraced this last year attempting that. Haley? She’s a sociopath and nobody really likes her on either side. Trumps children? They’re about as charismatic as a wet sock.

      He has no legacy. He’s it. It’s the weakpoint of serial narcissists. Their empire collapses when they do, because they’re too insanely jealous to share any secrets or power with anyone else.

        8 months ago

        Can’t stop the power sharing once you are dead.

        I’ve no clue who 2.0 will be. Could be someone not on the stage at the moment, could be someone like Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz. There’s lots of options to be sorted out after Trump dies.

        I view it sort of like the situation with the major rightwing propagandists. When Rush Limbaugh died, that wasn’t the end of rightwing propaganda, there were already new shitheads in the rafters like Tucker Carlson that’d eaten up the space.

        With Tucker off the air, there’s now Jessie Waters (or whatever) doing his part. Before that there was bill oriely.

        Trump might not be setting up a dynasty but that’s not really what I’m concerned about, I’m concerned about him setting up fascism that’s willing to glom onto the next leader like it glomed on to him.