Big fan of SBC gaming, open source engine recreations/source ports, gaming in general, alternative operating systems, and all things modding.

Trying to post and comment often in an effort to add to Lemmy’s growth.

  • 178 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023

  • It depends what you are after.

    Even though Google has a long history of killing their products I doubt they’d do it to Google Drive anytime soon. You could upload it there and make it publicly available. Proton Drive is newer and preferred by a lot of people for numerous reasons. It has a 5GB limit. You could probably use that.

    I feel like the key is having at least one other place where it is in the event one service dies.

    That said there are paid services out there that would likely keep your files indefinitely and are unlikely to shutdown anytime soon.

  • In general, technology gets cheaper for better products over time. Short term that’s not always true, but the longer timescales you look, the better is it for consumers.

    Yeah that’s why I linked the graph above. I asked here because I thought someone might have looked into this before and have a better insight on it. Maybe they’ve read about foretasted chip shortages or some kind of technological improvement with manufacturing. I am not sure. It’s something I only sporadically see articles about.

    A year or two is a long time, and probably worth waiting.

    If the price of a HDD on sale this year is equal to the average price of the same tier of HDD two or three years from now I’d probably just pull the trigger now.

  • Howard referred to Shattered Space as being in the vein of Bethesda’s other “annual story expansions”, adding that the developers hope to release additional content for Starfield for “a very long time". That means we’ll see at least one more big expansion, with Howard saying that the team “more or less” plan to put out annual DLC in a similar way to their previous games.

    “We’re planning for the one after [Shattered Space], so there will be another one,” Howard then confirmed.

    I feel like these two comments hint at different things. I hope there is more than one DLC to come.

    I haven’t played Starfield yet but I’ve heard the base game can be kind of dull at times. I was hoping we would see some kind of No Man’s Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 changes to the base elements of the game that might address this.