US-licensed lawyer, pursuing criminal defence practice in Metro Vancouver, BC. He/him.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • If all you can do with an honest answer to your question is insult the other person for their perspective, then don’t be surprised to find yourself blocked on here by a lot of folks pretty quickly.

    EDIT: So I peeked into your very brief post history, and sure enough you’re already complaining about people being “quick to ban or block” and “debate meeeeee.” So while I know you won’t accept this criticism, let me assure you that your comment above provides nothing of substance to debate. You’re being blocked by people because (1) you’re being rude, and (2) no one owes you their attention, much less their content.

  • I have an ebike that comes with a rear light affixed permanently to the rear of the frame. I think it would be more trouble than it’s worth for a thief to steal, since it’s wired to the electronic components and the connector is not situated in an obvious spot.

    But I still get nervous about leaving the bike unattended for too long, lest someone get any ideas. Heck, someone actually broke into my storage locker a couple of weeks ago and just broke the affixed front light off my bike, not to steal it but just to be a dick. (They’d probably have taken the bike itself if I’d left the battery on it.) So now I use an old strap-mounted front light.

    All this to say, I think the advantages of strap/clip-mounted light outweigh the advantages of an affixed one. But YMMV.

  • Definitely Civ VI for me as well. I’m stressed out by some work obligations lately, and nothing relaxes me more than coming home and sending some giant death robots to obliterate a few cities now and again.

    If you’re looking at the older ones, I’ve got a soft spot for Civ IV. The smooth dulcet tones of Leonard Nimoy reading historical quotes every few turns are always a plus.