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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • People in china make things with love too. Electronics, games, movies, shows, comedy, art, software etc.

    Fuck the government but the hate for the people in china is disgusting. I do get it. I do. The government is absolutely fucked and very oppressive.

    But i feel like a lot of people don’t see that a TON of american and european products are made in china too. And think “oh i don’t buy a chinese phone! Its made by abused workers!”.

    And then buy an iPhone. Completely forgetting that phone is made in the same factory but with an american logo on it.

    We need to be more focused. We can’t let people forget that the government and the people are not the same.

    I know people say the “chinese” or the “russians” or the “americans”. But we should say the government instead when talking about political conflicts. A lot of people read the “chinese” or the “americans” and see it as that ENTIRE country. People, government etc. As if it is all one singular thing.

    Its just sad and wrong to see them as one and the same.

  • I’m not reading all of that. Stop being a baby and listen to people when they say they don’t like you calling them something. I very much doubt this is the first time you were asked to not use the word “female” when talking to a woman.

    If you’re not signing some important document or in a medical setting, don’t talk to women and use the word female on them. It makes you sound like a demeaning dick.

    “I just don’t understand why females do this” “Please stop calling us females. It makes it sound like we are less than men. Just call us women.” “Oh okay, no problem.”

    Tadaaa. Problem fixed. Not that big of a deal.

  • Maybe women are responding “triggered” because you sound like a fucking dick?

    “I refer to women in a demeaning and shitty way. In a way that makes them seem like they are below me. And they tend to be so triggered by it. Hmmm so curious. 🧐”

    Does that not trigger something in your tiny brain? Do you not think “Hmmm… Maybe they don’t like it. I should stop doing it as to not be a piece of shit.”

    OR you enjoy it when are a bully and enjoy it when people get upset at you for being shitty to them.

    So it’s either you have the intelligence of a tennis ball, or you’re a fucking dick.

    You should reflect on that.