• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Making art is definitely NOT uniquely human.

    Just off the top of my head, there are birds that collect ornaments to decorate their nests to attract a mate, fish that sculpt complex patterns into sand for the same reason, and an elephant and an ape or something that were trained to paint (by a human, so admittedly a bit of a stretch, but still)

    Bears have also been observed stopping to just sit and watch a sunset/rise, so while I’m not aware of any actually producing art, there are at least examples of non-humans capable of appreciating the same type of beauty that many art forms seek to capture.

  • I mean, so does a spell checker, or a calculator, or a videogame character, etc. The term ‘AI’ is tossed around a lot, to the point that it’s not really distinct from computing in general. The connotation is that sentience distinguishes it from other flavors of 0’s and 1’s following whatever logic they’re designed to do; but as you mentioned that’s not really how it’s used. It bugs me though, cuz if and when we develop the sentient variety, it’s going to be a MAJOR turning point for humanity (good or bad) in par with harnessing fire or electricity… but it’ll be lost on most people cuz they’ll think “we’ve had this for years now…” cuz of LLM chat bots n’ shit.

  • It works in the US, too. I’ve gotten great care at the VA (no, seriously… they have a bad reputation, and the infrastructure is ghetto as fuck, but the actual quality of care is great).

    There’s also the USPHS, but honestly I’ve never actually met someone who joined or seen one of their facilities… I think they mostly do humanitarian stuff overseas?

    Point being, we have the framework for it already. I could see the VA expanding it’s mission/coverage to spouses/families of vets, and use that as the baby step into coverage for everyone. Fun bonus: state law can suck a dick on federal facilities, so all the rednecks can write as much misogynistic legislation as they want locally, but Susie’s rights suddenly return the second she steps into federal property, even if it’s a hospital in the middle of Y’all Quaeda territory.

  • Depends on how they progress. Smart doesn’t necessarily mean good.

    They all act like morons, but especially for the ones on top, it becomes a question of whether they came into power by being just the right type of stupid; or are they just good at behaving like an idiot because that’s an effective way to manipulate actual idiots?

    We have a tendency to be dismissive of them as -just- being stupid, but every time we give them the village-idiot pass, we’re making their strategy that much more successful.

    Look at the harm Trump has caused - he wouldn’t get away with a tenth of what he’s done if he acted competently.


    …honestly it’s basically the Darth Jar Jar fan theory - you can get away with doing all kinds of evil if you just act like an idiot while you do it.

  • Normalize weddings with cool themes!!

    Take lots of pictures - and post whatever you’re comfortable posting here! This sounds awesome.

    If you or any of your guests happen to have a super friendly dog, make a fairy suite for it and rig it with a GoPro! I read a post years ago from a couple who did that (sans fairy) and it got some of the best footage there was, cuz dogs always want to be right where the action is, and people tend to be all smiley around them. Idk why, but your post reminded me of that article lol.

    If you’re looking for music ideas, the Zelda soundtracks have high potential for this kind of event - no lyrics, so good for background music, and fairies make up a significant portion of the franchise, so they’ve got songs just for them; and a TON that aren’t specifically fairy, but close enough that they might as well be. The franchise is popular enough that there are full symphonic covers of even the N64 tracks, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there are already wedding-style Zelda covers. I gotta get my ass to bed, but I’ll do some digging and get back to you when I get a chance.