• 28 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 23rd, 2021


  • I use to do some work on open source paid by mu customers, but they never know about it :-) For example, if I need to translate some strings (l10n) I translate a bunch of strings, more than required, for community profits. The same if I’m helping to solve an issue…

    But it’s always a way to help open source projects just make a personal donation, as a developer, because our money is, in fact, the money our customers pay us (freelancers, for example).

  • Improvements on federation with Mastodon, etc. Right now posts on Mastodon have as author the user post, nor the community (but you are following lemmy communities, not users, because it is not possible follow users). So, when any Mastodon user want to follow these “new source” and follow the user of the tooth, nothing happens. And he is unable to follow the community! A furst workarround should be add a bottom line on the tooth like "follow this community at community_name@lemmy_instance.tdl "