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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • One of my previous cats used to get so stressed in a carrier that he would pee in it. Then, he’d have to get a bath afterwards, making the whole situation even worse for him and us. My partner did some research and bought a couple of soft sided carriers that didn’t look at all like hard ones the cat was used to. We unzipped all the sides, decked them out in blankets that smelled like our cat and then liberally sprinkled them with treats. Within a couple of days, our cat had come to think of these as cat houses instead of carriers. When he needed to be zipped up in it, he was docile and willing. He thought of it as a safe space, and it helped lower his stress levels when he was taken outside the house in it. Those carriers are now constantly in use as cat houses in our home. It was truly one of the best cat tricks I ever learned!

  • porkchoptoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldDaughters and Fathers
    1 month ago

    One of the skills my dad taught me that I’ve been the most grateful for over the years that is generally considered a "male "skill is to take things apart and use tools to fix them. My dad has two daughters, so he showed us how to do the stuff he loved. Power tools, electrical work, not being afraid to take out the screw and see how it works and if you can fix it. Not as many things are simply mechanical as they were in the 90’s, but it taught me to be curious and unafraid of exploration and capable in a way that continually surprises the people around me.

  • My first question was, “why is he apologizing now?” It could be that he started taking his meds, or that he feels bad about the War on Gaza, but if you read the article, he has an album dropping in mid-January. This feels like his publicist made him apologize, not like he’s actually sorry for anything or doing better. Considering how recently he was still spouting crazy bullshit, I’d say this is just a case of $$$$$.

  • porkchoptotumblr@lemmy.worldWine snobs are something else
    6 months ago

    When I worked at a liquor store in the early 2000’s, we were sent to liquor/wine tastings every couple of months or so. The owner didn’t like schmoozing with salespeople, plus it was a good way to make sure we knew what we were selling. It was also a test to make sure you could hold your liquor and remain professional. Distributors would often regularly bring new products into the store for whichever staff was there to try.

  • When I taught myself to sew almost 15 years ago, I leaned very heavily on YouTube. However, sewing is a doing skill. I bought a very easy pattern when it was on super sale (JoAnn does it sometimes) and read it like a book and did my best to sew it. If I didn’t understand a step or term, I found a blog or YouTube video to explain it. Each time I tried a new pattern, I understood a little more and my finished pieces were a little more competent. I’ve found learning to cook to be the exact same way.

  • porkchoptoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlHow do you clean your glasses?
    9 months ago

    None of them are hemmed, because they don’t fray. If you’re worried about it, try gently rubbing at the edge of it. Threads won’t come off in your hand either. Microfiber is just the size of the thread used, these are 100% polyester and completely machine washable.

  • porkchoptoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Normally, I sleep too deeply to remember my dreams. I only remember them if I wake during them. However, if I don’t completely awaken, sometimes I can go right back into the dream, but I have some autonomy now and some control over the narrative. Like, I know it’s a TV show and I can change the script. I’ve always been able to do it, I feel like it’s a trade off for nearly never remembering my dreams.

  • We used Hello Fresh. Both my partner and I had basic cooking skills, but were not very good cooks. He was also a very picky eater. Hello Fresh reduced the overwhelming amount of recipes in the world down to a more reasonable number to choose from. As we kept going, we started to see the same techniques, like reduction sauces, happen in new configurations and we started to understand how they work, not just follow the instructions. It also helped my partner overcome a lot of his pickiness by being in control of what recipes we had each week, allowing him to explore new ingredients when he felt comfortable.