The more I see of this Republican-controlled congress and it’s dysfunction, the more I hear clown-car music. Loud clown-car music.
Cognito ergo sum
The more I see of this Republican-controlled congress and it’s dysfunction, the more I hear clown-car music. Loud clown-car music.
Eat the rich!
I love billionaire comments about “the workers” and “they need to learn their place”. What an asshole.
I dunno, that’s not something I would want said about me.
Johnson is a piece of work. I could go on, but there it is.
It’s funny to watch the GOP try to spin this; they will say anything that doesn’t actually deny Cheetolini’s election fraud claims, but still translates to more of their electorate voting. Assholes.
Well, that’s going well Mikey. Why don’t you push another conspiracy theory?
And here I thought upstate Michigan was so welcoming.
Welp, RiF stopped working last night. No more scrolling thru Reddit on my phone.
“They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky.”
I share the viewpoint that, as an employer, your team should reflect the demographic you are trying to serve but it goes further than just that. Serving a demographic that you dislike or despise is a sure way to have tonedeaf communications and the outcomes that ensue. As a person, you should not have to choose products or services based on whether the CEO and company materially or substantively support your worldview.
I no longer post, comment or vote on Reddit. When RiF stops working I will no longer be reading Reddit on my mobile devices.
Take my upvote sir!
Maybe Steve is planning to replace all the mods with AI. That would certainly make for a lively environment. Like a bad session with ELIZA: “Do you say or the man says this: “and all that you have said and done/ turns into a question till/ you lie awake night after night/ and never get the answers right for some special reason ?”