• @pingveno@lemmy.ml
    01 year ago

    additional 300k troops

    How many of those actually showed up? How many fled across the border? How many did Putin later walk back because he realized calling up 50 year olds was a bad look? And how many are so poorly equipped and/or trained that they’re more trouble than they’re worth?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      01 year ago

      Every report I’ve seen says that not only did they meet the quota, they also got around 70k volunteers. Russia has over a 100 million people, it’s absurd that anybody would think they couldn’t scrape 300k troops.

      Also, Russian mobilization cut off was at the age 45, while Ukraine just announced a mobilization of anybody under 60. That does give a hint regarding who’s hurting more for troops.

      Meanwhile, literally millions of people have fled Ukraine already, and you seriously think Ukrainian troops are better equipped with their hodge podge of donated weapons from NATO inventories?