I removed the Google Speech engine (robotic voice to give human-like voice to apps) and I looking for a new one in F-droid. I interested in both English and Italian voices.

Any idea?

  • @Ferk@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    If you don’t mind it being terribly robotic, eSpeak supports a ton of languages and it’s very lightweight (mainly because the method of synthesis does not require a big database of voice samples).

    At first it might be jarring if you are used to natural-sounding voices, but I think it’s possible to get used to it, and some people seem to actually prefer it.

    Or you might be able to install MBROLA as a backend for eSpeak which should make it sound more natural, although I’ve never tried doing that in Android, personally (EDIT: it seems MBROLA isn’t yet supported in Android, sadly).

    • bkrlOP
      01 year ago

      eSpeak seems Frankenstein and doesn’t work with Feeel home workout app. Maybe the issue is in the fitness app. But that voice…an horror movie…

      • KlavsKlavsen
        11 year ago

        @bkrl @Ferk could be fine for @microg instead of zero voice for f.ex. osmand, when using navigation :( its my biggest annoyance for microg vs. Google services