"Centralised messenger Signal has just announced that they are making part of their server software closed source. They claim it is to fight spam, but by using closed source they make it impossible for outsiders to verify the truth. This is worrying.

We really, really need a fully open, decentralised alternative to Signal.

There are several alternatives being developed, please support them:

➡️ @matrix

➡️ @delta

➡️ @briar

➡️ @Jami "

    • @m532@lemmy.ml
      53 years ago

      Don’t fall for the smear campaign. Remember when Big Tech launched a smear campaign against Richard Stallman when he came back to the FSF? This is pretty much the same, but done by Big Media.

      Also, who wishes “freedom” and “human rights” to people? That usually means death and slavery (see Libya). Do not wish that to people.

        • @m532@lemmy.ml
          23 years ago

          It is absolutely not something “totally different”. They are both enemies of big corporations and want to free the people from the control of the corporations. The smear campaigns have many things in common, like taking events that happened a long time ago, assuming malicious intent, framing something in a deceptive way, accusing without evidence…

    • @bluerabbit@lemmy.ml
      -23 years ago

      Bold move criticising the CCP on Lemmy. Closed source software = evil, forced labour camps = autonomy

      • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        [Lemmy claims that] forced labour camps = autonomy

        So this pretty strongly indicates that you have never actually read any pro-China arguments and probably only hate them because you’ve been told to. No rational person who supports China thinks that the “Xinjiang genocide” is happening (and there is plenty of hard evidence debunking Western claims that it exists, they’re all over Lemmy so have a look see), and we certainly don’t support any sort of genocide.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
          53 years ago

          Recommend bringing in some actual verifiable proof. You know, that concept you Western human rights grifters seem oblivious to.

          Yes I am an Indian. Yes you have met me on Barinsta Telegram group.

            • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
              3 years ago

              Yeah, that’s not how it works. You made a claim [that Lemmy’s developers (I assume you also mean admins like me) are funded by the CCP]. Now it is your responsibility to provide evidence before anyone need take it seriously. You don’t get to make a claim and have everyone believe it’s true until someone disproves you.