ok, venting time.

VMware workstation has 3 network types and of them only NAT supports ipv6.

VMware 17 can only have one NAT network at a time.

the one ipv6 address that doesn’t randomly drop is the link local address.

but certain traffic like http doesn’t transmit over that network.

but I might have found a janky workaround.

if I change the subnet range in the virtual network editor it refreshes all of the IPs through DHCP.

#endif //RANT

  • R3D70RD
    -11 year ago


    IPv6 was not designed to be IPv4 compatible.

    A solution to communicate with devices that still run on IPv4 was not provided. This means that each IPv6 address needs an IPv4 address. Having to run both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses means that there are higher maintenance costs, which operators aren’t always willing to pay.

    Source: Google search.

    • JoYoOP
      11 year ago

      is this a chatbot response? it’s kinda nonsense.

      the cost is the hourly rate of updating network code with only half baked virtual networks.

      I suspect Microsoft would rather I test on Azure.