it’s very much borrowed from one of the reddit subs i frequent(ed) often, but the idea is to share what we’re playing weekly and hopefully create discussions around those games (or simply have a sort of “check-in”).

    21 year ago

    I have played Satisfactory, I started with it when I didn’t even know about Factorio.

    They’re very different games, especially after you get robots in Factorio. You don’t place buildings by hand anymore, but mostly blueprints etc. Setups should be able to scale. I have never built rail in Satisfactory, but I think they’re different too.

    I enjoyed Satisfactory so much, but once I had seen it all it was quite dull and pointless for me. It’s not the same with Factorio, it’s so satisfying to do it all again, but with more knowledge of the game.

      31 year ago

      I enjoy the ability to just layer your factory higher and higher. One layer is my power generation level, base layer is just iron smithing and processing, and more complex machinery higher up. Still makes a lot of spaghetti the way I make it lol 🍝