Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated, especially related to finding topics and communities. FInding topics doesn’t seem that intuitive to me (I’m sure that’s just me though).

  • TherodddOP
    311 months ago

    The most help I have seen yet! Thank you. I have seen how to use the “!” thing and I get it. What I don’t understand is how to find the community and domain. If I know to look for “” then great. But if I don’t know that or or exist how do I find it? Let alone if they have an “ohio” or “tech” or “tacos” community that I might be interested in. I’m sure I’m missing things but there doesn’t see to be an easy way to…explore, I guess.

    • seahorse [Ohio]MA
      311 months ago

      Yeah, that’s a drawback of federated social media. It’s decentralized so there’s not really a central database of instances and their communities. I know some people have put a few lists of communities together so I’ll try to hunt those down for you. Try the All feed for now as it’s all posts that people on this instance have searched for and the instances they’re subscribed to.

      • TherodddOP
        311 months ago

        Thank you for all the help. You don’t need to hunt down list, I’m sure I’ll be able to find some. What some see as a drawback, I am sure others see as a feature. I’ll stick around for awhile and see how things develop. thank you again for the talk and welcome.