It is hands free wiping, but with a spray nozzle. When I wiped with only TP, the chances of getting poop on my wrist/hand was much greater. Now it’s virtually none, and feels cleaner when you’re walking around later
It does. It’s high pressure. Imagine a super soaker stream right on your butthole. It’s not some weak ass trickle of water like a water fountain or something
Well you can’t really beat a shower after pooping, that’s true. But I don’t always poop just once a day, or necessarily shower every day of the week…so it’d be a pretty large waste of water/time for me to do that, personally.
If you shower after pooping, what do you do when pooping away from home? In that case, washing your butthole with water from the sink and then cleaning your hands/arms would be more efficient. You may need to loosen your butthole and expand your anal conceptions?
It’s a sprayer pointed at your butt from under the toilet seat. You don’t need to touch it. You just turn it on.
Yeah but I just don’t see how it gets everything.
It doesn’t. Not without being sprayed so strongly it’s really painful. Just use your hand and then wash well. You’ll be fine.
But I’m looking for a hands free solution!
It is hands free wiping, but with a spray nozzle. When I wiped with only TP, the chances of getting poop on my wrist/hand was much greater. Now it’s virtually none, and feels cleaner when you’re walking around later
It does. It’s high pressure. Imagine a super soaker stream right on your butthole. It’s not some weak ass trickle of water like a water fountain or something
Would you trust the cleanliness of your butthole after using it to dry it off with your bath towel?
Are you currently trusting the cleanliness of your butthole after using only dry toilet paper?
No actually. I hop in the shower after every shit.
Well you can’t really beat a shower after pooping, that’s true. But I don’t always poop just once a day, or necessarily shower every day of the week…so it’d be a pretty large waste of water/time for me to do that, personally.
If you shower after pooping, what do you do when pooping away from home? In that case, washing your butthole with water from the sink and then cleaning your hands/arms would be more efficient. You may need to loosen your butthole and expand your anal conceptions?
When I’m away from home I do the best I can.