I’ve been researching open source image/video hosting software because I sure as hell don’t want to use Google Photos. I’m leaning toward PhotoPrism, but I thought I’d get your opinions first.

  • @seahorse@lemmy.mlOP
    12 years ago

    The main thing I want to do is free up space on my phone by having the pictures/videos backed up to a server, but also be viewable at any time.

    • retiolus
      62 years ago

      Use Nextcloud then, with autoupload enabled on your phone. You can view them online

    • @oh_jeez_rick@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      If you only want a backup, go for syncthing. You must have a lot of images if you can’t store them all on a phone. Videos can be a problem though.

      Best option I can think of is to save your videos in a different folder than the images and use syncthing. But set the settings such that if you delete it on your phone, it won’t be deleted on your server. Then selfhost jellyfin and you’ll have your own “netflix” with your own videos!

      Thank you for this idea! I’ll implement that myself!