An innocent man

Prosecutors and court records describe a series of actions by 35-year-old Yousef Mohammad Ramadan that raise concerns about whether he was preparing for a terror attack three years after being released from federal prison.

Ramadan’s lawyer, Amanda Bashi, said Ramadan is being targeted for his beliefs and for consuming Islamic State media, which does not constitute a violation.

“We are here because the government finds Yousef Ramadan’s views abhorrent,” Bashi said during the detention hearing.

Stuff to have on vacation

Federal agents seized several items from Yousef Ramadan’s luggage in 2017, including armor plates, a bullet-proof vest, pepper spray, a gas mask, an aerial drone, a Taser and tactical knives. Ramadan’s attorney has said recent charges against the defendant have more to do with his views, arguing he has not committed a violent act.

“It’s no secret, I think, to say that the government believes Mr. Ramadan is a terrorist,” Bashi said. “But the problem is that has not borne itself out.”


“If they found nail polish remover in his house, don’t you think we’d be hearing about that?” she said. “We didn’t hear anything that he actually took any step to do anything.”

She called Islamic State images cited by prosecutors “disgusting.” […] “Much as any of us might disagree and might find that disgusting, we can’t put people in jail because of it,” Bashi said. “That’s not what we do.”

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  • raoulraoulOPM
    4 months ago

    I found that statement a bit…non sequitur as well. I’m assuming that nail polish is an ingredient in homemade C4 and/or PETN explosive. From the linked article…

    Ramadan started downloading Islamic State manuals within weeks of being sentenced, the prosecutor said. One guide instructed how to make the explosive C4, while another guide was for making the high explosive PETN. That is one of the same explosives contained in the bomb Nigerian terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to detonate in a failed Christmas Day terror attack aboard a Detroit-bound airliner in 2009.

    r2 Fun Fact: did you know that I missed that 2009 Amsterdam-Detroit KLM/Delta flight by a couple of days? Fun times!