• Dr. Daniel Jackson
    13 years ago

    Looking it up, and mind you this information is from Wiki.

    ‘People from BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) backgrounds constitute only 14% of the general population in England and Wales, but make up 25% of its prison population.’

    ‘In 2019 Lammy expressed deep concern at the extremely high proportion of BAME males in young offender institutions (they made up 51% of this prisoner population), saying that “England and Wales are now hitting an American scale of disproportionality in our youth justice system”.’


    • ksynwa
      13 years ago

      Good work comrade.

      I remember in the last general election Tories’ platform was almost 95% about Brexit. The other 5% was lying about putting money in the NHS and truthfully asserting that they were going to put more cops on the streets to fight crime. I wouldn’t be surprised if this problem exacerbates in the near future.