The alt social media are a good place to run away from algorithms and explicit mass manipulation from other big tech, be more free, independent, and spread ideas, but I also think that the fediverse is being filling with people with radical political ideologies, some kicked out of traditional social platforms for this same reason. I’m not saying that we can’t have discussions, but I think that many people are making their own echo Chambers in the fediverse.

  • Kinetix
    23 years ago

    reddit is not everything… what’s your point? Again, GPL is used in software all over the place. It has nothing to do with the sort of community that develops around an online service.

    It’s like saying the brand of motor oil you choose makes you a good driver or not.

    • Support Trans People
      -53 years ago

      the license is what makes open source (ethical source included) what it is, using a license that doesn’t allow bad people to use your software is a basic human right

      • Kinetix
        43 years ago

        You have typed out some words but haven’t organized them in a fashion that makes sense. You’re trying to make some point about code licenses in a discussion about communities and certain types of people.

        Also, you seem to be completely misinformed on random tidbits you’re throwing out there. At what point was Reddit ever GPL? Prove it.

          • Kinetix
            33 years ago

            Yes, I know where their code repos, including their archived ones, are. Not GPL.

            It would be interesting to see if you can explain how you make a connection between software license and bigoted ideas of end users of products.

              • Kinetix
                63 years ago

                a) What makes the software developers fascists? b) Do you research the licenses in all of the products you use that have software? Do you know no fascists were involved in the making of those products & services? c) What authority do you have to tell people to leave? You’ve done nothing but blather a bunch of falsehoods and want people to agree or piss off? Not happening.

                • Support Trans People
                  -53 years ago

                  i don’t like to argue with nazis because that validates them but i’ll take the time to answer yours questions

                  What makes the software developers fascists?

                  they have bigoted beliefs (hating trans people, bipocs and such)

                  Do you research the licenses in all of the products you use that have software?

                  essentially yes, i do still use “free/libre” software but i try to use ethical source software whenever i can

                  Do you know no fascists were involved in the making of those products & services?

                  not necessarily, that’s why it’s important check. go though the devs/maintainers twitter is usually the best way to find if they are bigots or not (not having a twitter is obviously a big red flag)

                  What authority do you have to tell people to leave?

                  fascists are the lowest of the lowest, anyone has the authority to tell them to leave

                  • Kinetix
                    33 years ago

                    OK, you are unfortunately down some very dark roads and are now violating code of conduct by being so extremist. There’s no conversation to be had with you. I hope you get the mental health attention you so clearly require.