Wyoming Area: 253,335 km2
United Kingdom area: 244,376 km2
Wyoming population: 576,851 (2020)
Glasgow urban area population: 632,350 (2020)
Wyoming Area: 253,335 km2
United Kingdom area: 244,376 km2
Wyoming population: 576,851 (2020)
Glasgow urban area population: 632,350 (2020)
Puerto Rico is six times as populous and gets none
Don’t territories get 1 non-voting representative (effectively 0)?
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They passed three pro-statehood referendums since 2012. It doesn’t seem to matter. Presumably, if they passed a pro-independence referendum, it wouldn’t happen either.
It helps that many of them don’t pay federal income tax (though they do pay other taxes)
Actually 52% in favor of statehood as of 2020. Sentiment seems to be shifting.