Avid Guild wars 2 player here, I really do miss being on that subreddit. Since reddit was also big, it did allow developers to interact with their players a bit more directly and was a good way to get official info to them.
In this specific case I added browsing the game forums instead of going on reddit, not much has changed except the lessened amount of ads on my screen lol.
Yep. R/Noita went private and moved to the discord I was already in, but Discord is a terrible replacement for Reddit. I don’t have time to read everything in the community to find anything in the community… So now I only have the comment section in FuryForged to find new discoveries in one of the most ridiculously complicated physics simulators I play.
It’s an obscure enough community that I doubt it will reopen there, and I’d lose some respect for it if it reopened before Reddit actually listened to a single word we said.
Communities for specific video games, like /r/wow or /r/ffxiv
Agree. Would be great to have some of them move over, WoW is very quiet here.
Avid Guild wars 2 player here, I really do miss being on that subreddit. Since reddit was also big, it did allow developers to interact with their players a bit more directly and was a good way to get official info to them.
In this specific case I added browsing the game forums instead of going on reddit, not much has changed except the lessened amount of ads on my screen lol.
Yep. R/Noita went private and moved to the discord I was already in, but Discord is a terrible replacement for Reddit. I don’t have time to read everything in the community to find anything in the community… So now I only have the comment section in FuryForged to find new discoveries in one of the most ridiculously complicated physics simulators I play.
It’s an obscure enough community that I doubt it will reopen there, and I’d lose some respect for it if it reopened before Reddit actually listened to a single word we said.