A lad told me today that he’ll make a facebook account just to connect with me, gave me the address of the place he’s couch surfing at and told me to come over anytime. He said “because you treat me like a human.”


I’ve gotten in trouble at a few jobs for talking with poor people rather than just shuffling them through.

It helps that I have to walk through the hood frequently.

  • peeonyou@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Not typically, but I did in New York City with one old guy in particular. He was always sitting on the sidewalk a few blocks from my apartment on my path to the gas station to get beer. I’d usually stop by and sit down with him and talk. Sometimes we’d talk for just a couple minutes, and other times it might be an hour or longer.

    He was a nice old guy but he wouldn’t talk a whole lot about the circumstances that led him to his situation. He was a veteran and he had suffered from PTSD from back in Vietnam, but he didn’t like to talk about it much. Mostly we just talked about whatever was going on in the world and how fucked up the US is.