PresidentĀ Joe Biden on Saturday calledĀ Donald Trump ā€œclearly unhingedā€ and claimed that ā€œsomething snappedā€ in the former president after he lost the 2020 election.

ā€œItā€™s clear that ā€¦ when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him,ā€ Biden told supporters in Seattle at a private fundraiser Saturday, according to reporters in the room.Ā ā€œHeā€™s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, heā€™s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what heā€™s telling people.ā€

Even though Biden thinks the presumptive GOP presidential nominee is ā€œunhinged,ā€ he said he believes the November election will be ā€œclose.ā€

ā€œWe feel good about the state of the race, but we know the race is close,ā€ Biden said, pointing to recent polls.

    5 months ago

    w/r/t Biden doing for Palestine as a key progressive effort; I think as the NYT article that got posted here a day or to ago spelled out, Bidenā€™s been very much in Bibiā€™s face behind closed doors, but our favorite college student doesnā€™t know or care how mideast diplomacy works, or its history, risks, and assumptions.

    Frankly, thatā€™s on us for assuming and posting that he ā€œsupports genocideā€. He does not, and has said so repeatedly. Maybe if Bush(s) had invaded Israel instead of Iraq (yā€™know, where we know very well they have WMD) and had taken control of that government weā€™d be able to dictate what we want the way so many seem to think we can, but it doesnā€™t work so simply. Heā€™s working on it, much more diligently and competently than anyone else whoā€™s running for president is able to.

    And frankly at this point, spreading this lie that Biden ā€œsupportsā€ the obvious genocidal actions of Netanyahu is exactly the same as what a russian troll trying to divide Democrats, limit turnout, and swing the election to trump would do.

      5 months ago

      Ok, if Biden doesnā€™t support genocide, how come he has circumvented Congress over 100 times since oct 7 to send them 10s of billions worth of bombs which are actively being used to perform said genocide?

      I believe that Biden has asked Bibi to stop. Do you know what Bibi does immediately after those conversations? He goes on Israeli press and absolutely dunks on Biden for being an idiot, in Bibiā€™s pocket, and that the killings will continue.

      If Biden truly does not support genocide, wouldnā€™t the second most logical step be to stop sending them the very 2000lb bombs which are being used to level all civilian infrastructure in the strip? Why hasnā€™t he done this?