I mean small like I sneeze and a 20 dollar bill appears in my hand or something like that. Not classic answers like flying or super strength.
I mean small like I sneeze and a 20 dollar bill appears in my hand or something like that. Not classic answers like flying or super strength.
Only needing an hour or two of sleep per night, but getting all the rejuvenating effects of a perfect night’s sleep. I hope I would be productive with that time.
Google for polyphasic sleep. By fucking with your own sleep schedule you can reduce the number of hours you sleep while still getting the same restful effect. There’s a few different schedules, some work better than others. The concept does work though, I’ve done it.
I’ve looked into those, I’ve even done biphasic sleep a small amount. It sounds like one has less leeway the more one breaks down their sleep into smaller blocks. Which ones did you try?
I would ABUSE this power
Why not just get rid of the need for sleep all together but still have the ability to sleep when you want if you want to?
That’d be preferable but I wanted it to still be a very minor power
I was fantasizing about all the things I’d finally do. On second thought I’ll probably just use the night to scroll too lol.
If I can get a combo deal of; less sleep, super motivation, super disciple. That would be amazing. An extra 6-8 hours a day would be miraculous! Maybe I’d become like Batman