Climate is fucked, animals continue to go extinct even more, our money will be worth nothing the coming years… What motivation do I even have to care to keep going? The world is ran and basically owned by corrupt rich people, there’s poverty, war, etc. It makes me sick to my stomach the way to world is. So I ask, why bother anymore?

    2 years ago

    @yuunikki please schedule an appointment with a therapist because you are demonstrating signs of depression in your post/comment history. The internet is not qualified to be your therapist.

        2 years ago

        Identifying signs of depression is not the same as diagnosis because it includes the causes. I don’t care about OP enough to find out what is causing them to be depressed.

      • kairo79
        2 years ago

        I felt the same way, a therapist couldn’t help me either, since I was just looking at the world realistically… It helped me to consume less news and to concentrate on my immediate environment, where I actually mean my actions can change something. For me it’s mainly family, but of course it can also be a hobby or voluntary work, for example.

          • kairo79
            2 years ago

            I did not know. I just read the story in the Wikipedia article, sounds really interesting. I also realized that compared to the time when this is set, our time is really relaxed. If you live in the western world and ignore climate change…

        2 years ago

        Maybe now you think they don’t work, but I tell you from my personal experience they will.

        2 years ago

        Talk to therapists and find a hobby. Do whatever you want. If you think something is meaningless but you like doing it. Do it. Try to live a life that bothers others the least. Help others if they ask for help.

  • jimrob4
    2 years ago

    Yes. There’s always a point. The world will always be unjust. That doesn’t mean we should give up and take it. Fight for what you can, enjoy what you can.

  • Mr
    2 years ago

    When I’m in that pit, most good advice isn’t helpfull.

    What is helpful is to acknowledge that the pendulum of this cold and indifferent universe swings both ways.

    When you’re deep in the shit, and you see all the walls crumbling down, and you feel how fleeting all the good things are, just remember that the bad things are just as fickle and fleeting.

    The world has been ending since it began. It’s important to pay attention, notice, and do your part when the opportunity presents itself. It’s equally important to remember that none of the apocalyptic events in human history has ended humanity yet. When you can’t stop ruminating on the lowest points of your life, remember that you’ve been through all of that, and you’re still here.

    Life is a struggle, and a beautiful mess. Nobody is ever “done” with the hard parts, but we’re never “done” with the good parts either.

    Take a deep breath and remember that you’ll never get dealt a good hand if you cash out, and you’re never playing alone.

    2 years ago

    The world is pretty fucked up, it always has been and so it will continue to be.
    And none of it really matters either, it’s all just a tiny flash of light in the darkness that will soon fade away to nothing.

    However, here we are, living in a beautiful planet that was blessed with life, so many different plants and animals, sounds, smells and tastes, music and art, being able to talk with others, laugh, cry, love. We’re only microscopic creatures that live on the tiniest spec of dust imaginable, but to our tiny eyes there is plenty of beauty to be found. And for as long as we are able to see that beauty, there is a point to it for us, we can try our best to enjoy what we have for the little time that we have it, before we finally become one with the universe.

        2 years ago

        I don’t think many people like this. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Not everyone should know this. Many will try and destroy everything just because there is no point to anything. End and beginning has no meaning. It’s just the journey, that matters to ME.

    2 years ago

    I have been following the advice of Waymond in everything everywhere all at once: be kind

    I think that’s our main job while everything doesn’t make sense.

      2 years ago

      Indeed, be the change you want to see in the world.

      That aside, life does become more bearable when you build up your skillet, make more money, and are able to mesh into the bullshit with a bit more ease, which in turn helps to afford more fun which helps tune out the bullshit. Unfortunately, the assholes have made the game about money, so the sooner one comes to grips with that and starts playing into it a bit, life becomes a little more manageable. It sucks, but it is what it is.

    2 years ago

    I still have hobbies and people I wanna keep happy ^^ If there is any hope, giving up closes any and all possibilities. Be the best you can be, until the we know the final resolution.

    2 years ago

    There’s nothing we can do as individuals unless you own a multinational corporation, and we’re all going to die in a few decades, so just have fun now

    2 years ago

    The point is your gained wisdom through experience. That’s what the old people always tried to tell us.

    Are you going to solve any of those problems? No. Are you going to be able to join some organization or movement that solves them? Probably no. Will you be able to affect any change that the world will take notice of? Probably not.

    But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be a part of it. Not everything that has value makes meaningful changes on the world. There was a French artist, Marcel Duchamps, who once exhibited a urinal. This was clearly not an attempt to move art in any direction, or change public perception, he was kinda just being an asshole. But it had that effect anyway. People still get pissy about it, in the form of, “Is it art?” conversations. Is it? Doesn’t matter. It was a low effort one-off idea that has lasted for decades.

    Life isn’t actually a race to see how much you can achieve. And if it was that, then it wouldn’t be measured by money. It wouldn’t be measured by “legacy,” the way we use that word for rich people and sports stars. If it really was a contest, then it would be based on how much good you can manage in the face of constant depressive onslaught.

    The world has never seemed like it has a point to most people. But they try their best, and they make meaningful impact on the lives of others, often without intention or even knowledge of having done so .

    One of my most influential people has no idea that he did anything. He’s around somewhere, although I haven’t seen him for 20 years. All he did was treat me like a person when I was a dumb teenager (not to say all teenagers are dumb, but I was). It really wasn’t much. But I hadn’t been treated that way before, so to me it’s influential because it was something he did that he didn’t have to do.

    That guy is not going to be lying on his deathbed thinking, “At least I was a good influence on scared of planes.” For all I know, he doesn’t remember me. Doesn’t matter. He spread some good into the world. That’s your job. That’s your point.

    Just be a better you tomorrow than you are today, as many days as you can manage. Know that no one does that every day. And you’ll live a meaningful life that maybe has influence. Your legacy is you.

      2 years ago

      I really love what you have said here.

      At the risk of being a dick I wanna make one point though. When Marcel Duchamp submitted “Fountain” aka a urinal, for an exhibition, he wasn’t just being an asshole.

      He’d joined the Dada movement and they really were unhappy with the status quo after the horrors of war. They held lots of public meetings, protest demonstrations, published art criticism etc, trying to change it.

      But this kind of makes it even more supportive of your point. He was just one guy, part of something he believed in, and somehow his small act with the urinal had a huge legacy.

      2 years ago

      All very well said.

      OP I would read the above comment a couple times and anytime you’re feeling down. Especially the part about just being a positive influence on those around you, that’s all most of us can hope for. Be the light in the darkness, as they say.

      In addition to these methods of finding some peace within, I’d also say that the world is not as bad as it sometimes seems. It’s difficult because “bad news” generates more outrage and clicks. And as you said the world is indeed run by money, so we get it shoved in our faces a lot. But there is always good too. By my estimate, I’d say about 2/3 of people just want to live a life of peace and fellowship with their neighbors, friends, and family. The other third kinda suck. But hey, they scream the loudest and seek out positions where they can abuse power, so we end up hearing about them and being influenced by them more.

      The world has problems, no doubt. Climate change is real and it’s going to affect our lives for a number of generations, but it probably won’t be the end of humanity. We’ll adapt, and with any luck the technology that is being worked on today will save us from the worst of it. Species going extinct is sad, but it’s also a normal part of evolution and has happened for millions of years without our help. Our ignorance and negligence has exacerbated the problem and is directly responsible for the extinction of many species, I get it, that sucks. But we’ve also rescued many from the brink of extinction. Most folks aren’t evil, we’re just a little dumb, and greedy.

      War, poverty, corruption, again big setbacks to humanity, but, whether it makes you feel any better or not, these things are consistent throughout all of human history. Remember, 1/3 of people kinda suck. However there’s an argument to be made that none of these issues are as bad today as they have been in the past. I think of all of the above as our room for improvement as a species, something to be hopeful for.

      It’s important to be mindful of our shortcomings, but don’t beat yourself up by focusing on them all the time. Instead, consider all the good that we’ve accomplished. Medicine, civil rights, scientific discoveries, technology, art in its many forms, advancements for the disabled, we’re coming up on robotic limbs and hands controlled by your mind, that is simply incredible. In nearly every way the quality of life today vastly exceeds what it did even just 150 years ago, and the average person today lives better than kings of yesterday. Air conditioning? Cold, clean drinking water? A hot shower??! If I were shoved back in time and couldn’t ever take a hot shower… well I’d be very very upset.

      TLDR; Yea, sometimes we suck pretty hard. But there are people doing good in the world every single day, and we have come a long way already from our worst habits and living conditions. It’s entirely fair to be optimistic about and fight for the future you want to see.

      2 years ago

      Well said. I would also add that for me, stopping my consumption of news has dramatically increased my happiness. The news outlets only spread negative fear mongering bs. Most of it you can’t change. I stopped consuming negative media and its helped a ton.

    2 years ago

    It’s up to you to give your life meaning. Just because things suck, doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in the towel. Imagine the Bronze Age humans, who were getting killed over idols and and some random warlord’s whims. They persisted in the face of adversity so we exist today. Imagine the lives of the enslaved, raped, and oppressed native Americans and Africans in the face of Spanish rule in South America. They persisted with no clear future freedom in sight.

    I could go on about humans facing horrible situations but my point is this: throughout history we have always faced a dark situation as a result of other human actions but we always found a reason to persist… or even fight back.

      2 years ago

      Exactly. In my current state persistence is key. The question “When do you want to give up the fight?” is a good one. Im hoping that everyone can get a world where they feel mostly happy. Things might go bad quickly but it’s important to remember the small things and create happiness for yourself, even if temporary (it always is).

      Shit sucks; deal with it. Also you know be cool to people and they’ll be cool back.

    2 years ago

    Check out this book: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World — and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

    You’re not wrong - shit’s fucked up. But that’s not all - there is tremendous progress in the world, and significant change coming down the pike.

    Why bother? Shape the change towards what’s good, and be kind like the good dude above said.

    2 years ago

    (insert astronaut meme) never has been

    Jokes aside… This is my personal philosophy & probably won’t align with everyone’s. As someone who started science quite young, I realized quite early that beyond societal issues, literally nothing is “meaningful”… If Earth itself will be gone in a few billion years, might as well practice some optimistic nihilism and do some stuff with whatever life I have. There’s still stuff to do even if society doesn’t prioritize ppl like me

    2 years ago

    Every single action you take ripples outwards to the people around you and on in to future generations. You matter just as much as every living thing on earth and in the universe. If you accept the suffering that is inherent in existence and aim towards being the most innate and true version of yourself, you will get the most meaning and consciousness out of life. We are an interconnected, trippy, murderous, loving, intelligent, massive group of apes all experiencing each other’s psyche together. The world wants and needs you to love yourself.