Reddit tried to sticky this post for moderators around 12p CST today, and they’ve since tried to bury it. Thought it might be good to back up the link here.
Reddit tried to sticky this post for moderators around 12p CST today, and they’ve since tried to bury it. Thought it might be good to back up the link here.
Here’s a screenshot so you don’t give the site any traffic
A mod event in Mumbai? lmao
This comment needs to be pinned lol.
Thanks for the screenshot
And here’s a screenshot of a hilarious comment that I found in the modcoord discord
Hey thanks
They absolutely need to be called for killing a platform.
fuck reddit’s board. fuck u/spez and his lackeys.
Appreciate you!
Much love for the post
Pardon my literal autism, but can you explain the problematic implication for me, friend? I don’t understand it ^^
Pretend your the mod of a moderately sized subreddit. You have third party tools you rely on to help keep your community functioning. Reddit takes away your tools, then tells you “you can spend more of your free time in a pointless meeting with us”
More of your free time to do our jobs for us while we make some extra cash. What a weird way to do business.
Oh, okay, yeah. That make sense. Gotta love that spineless, landlord-during-COVID-style victim-blaming speak. : /
It also is the statement “we’re here to listen to you” in response to a protest with a lot of clear demands. There was no concession or acknowledgement of the possibility of any. There was no apologies for the absolute assholery of the CEO. There wasn’t even an acknowledgement that they’re the ones in the wrong.
It’s like if you’ve been sleeping on the couch until your spouse stops cheating on you and they say “I know you’re mad, but let’s talk this out after work tomorrow” like no, you have to say sorry and that you’ll stop, then we need to talk about how to rebuild the shattered trust.
I picture the employees playing rock, paper, scissors to determine who was going to have to make that post; I can’t imagine any of them didn’t know how this was going to play out.
…And the dude that won (lost?) didn’t even know how to link his own username. It looks like he did it via an actual hyperlink! Now that is fantastic example out of touch management.
You get my Lemmy Gold 🏆
Edit: extra bonus for dark mode screenshot!
May I have some Lemmy gold? 👉👈
🥈you get second place.
Something about this participation-silver hurts far more than it should.
“Second place is the first one to lose.” — Abby Lee Miller - Dance Moms
You can have lemmy lemon🍋
🍋👊🥤 then you punch the lemon until you get lemonade.
Ahhh, lemons: they truly are the grapes of the fist…
thanks. my /etc/hosts file still has: www.reddit (break link) .com
(I find this helps me break habits)
It just brings up RiF for me, which doesn’t work. I’ve only 99% left though, so I can’t pihole it. I copy over some content and use the pages that turn up on Google search results.
Here’s a condensed version:
“It’s not that mistakes were made, you just got angry. Spontaneously. Weird how that happened, when we love you just, like, so much.
Anyways, let’s move on. Fill out a form to become a member of an unpaid focus group.”
Don’t forget, “We’re gonna pay some of our staff to go to cool cities to meet several of you! What an incredible opportunity for them to get frequent flier miles and for you to show up (again, unpaid) at a fake meeting in your free time. This will surely have some kind of impact on how we run things, in that nothing will change whatsoever.”
Ta much.
Unlucky, didn’t see this until after I clicked. The new default for posts about reddit here on Lemmy should be that any links are just screenshots or archived versions or something
On one hand Im happy to see that dumpster fire ignite even more. Then on the other hand Im happy to see all those mods end up not being listened to and frustrated by those who have the power.
You reap what you sow, suckers.
honestly this reads like someone who wants to make things right, but is being held back
Yeah. Even if you fully trust this person, this person isn’t Reddit. I don’t think they can do what needs to be done.
I can’t tell what that person’s intent is because the post is filled with “I’m sorry you’re upset” platitudes that accept no responsibility or even an understanding of why the mods are so upset in the first place; just more unpaid work they’re expected to do to keep it from happening again.
Not a fan of the mobile site making me pinch and zoom the whole page just to get a better look at an embedded image.
Of course I’m not a fan of embedded images in comments all together and hope they make that like a toggleable thing.
It will get there, eventually.
That’s the most wishy-washy weasel-word corporate PR professional bullshit post I’ve ever seen
“Here, let’s give you more ways to give us feedback that we can then promptly ignore”
Yes they problem is we haven’t given them enough feedback. Surely if we have them now feedback they would understand the problem. Shutting down the entire website for multiple days was not clear.
Also, I am running out of idea, can you give me some?
And we won’t really tell you what we’re up to as a company either. You’ll find out with everyone else when we pull the rug from under you
Good riddance
“We’re gonna have meaningful weekly meetings with all the hundreds or thousands of you, and we’re gonna take the opportunity to really listen. Now, this isn’t just some platitude to quiet you until we take the company public, but you know, we might suddenly get too busy for these once we’re diving into our piles of cash.”
“We’re gonna compile your input and file it away somewhere safe. Look! I already bought a basket to hold all of them and lined it with a plastic bag! And when my comment can gets reeeeeeaaaallllllly full, I’ll file your comments into a larger bin until the city files those comments with the other valuables!”
“We wanna show you how much we care. We care sooooooooo much that we’re gonna visit you on our “Fuck you, I Wanna be Rich” vacation! We’re gonna see the country and occasionally talk to people in a patronizing tone. For all the shit-holes we don’t feel like visiting, we’re gonna throw you a pizza party! It’s gonna be super revolutionary cuz it’ll be a virtual pizza party! Pay for your own food and watch us eat pizza while we explain to you that you’re not really upset with us, you’re just scared of change and passionate about things that don’t make us rich. Remember to dress up nice, we’d hate for you poors to make us look bad.”
Nailed it. Virtual pizza party really drives it home.