My friend and I collect old video games. But all my physical media just sits on my shelves and collects dust. Why do I even collect them? I literally just emulate everything. Is there a purpose to what I do? People ask me why I collect and I never have a real answer because I don’t even know. If I never play my stuff, is it worth just selling?

    2 years ago

    It’s kind of a tough call. In my case I keep a library of Blu-Ray and DVD disks. I’ve ripped them to network storage so I don’t actually need them, but I did spend an amount of money collecting them. So at this point I just keep them for posterity.

    In general I have a rule about not keeping stuff I don’t use, but there’s always exceptions. There’s been a few things I’ve wished I had not parted with, but if you never get rid of anything you’re just hoarding. I’m more of an anti-hoarder and it’s cost me before. On the other hand there’s too much “material stuff” in life. Best to keep it minimal.