You may have noticed a distinct lack of return2ozma. This is due to their admitting, in a public comment, that their engagement here is in bad faith:

I’m sure there will be questions, let me see if I can address the most obvious ones:

  1. Can I still post negative stuff about Biden?

Absolutely! We have zero interest in running an echo chamber. However, if ALL you’re posting is negative, you may want to re-think your priorities. You get out of the world what you put into it and all that.

  1. Why now?

Presumption of innocence. It may be my own fault, but I do try to think the best of people, and even though they were posting negative articles, they weren’t necessarily WRONG. Biden’s poll numbers, particularly in minority demographics ARE in the shitter. They are starting to get better, but he still has a hell of a hill to climb.

  1. Why a 30 day temp ban and not a permanent ban?

The articles return2ozma shared weren’t bad, faked, or from some wing-nut bias site like “”, they were legitimate articles from established and respected news agencies, pointing out the valid problems Biden faces.

The problem was ONLY posting the negatives, over and over and then openly admitting that dishonest enagement is their purpose.

Had they all been bullshit articles? It would not have taken anywhere near this much time to lay the ban and it would have been permanent.

30 days seems enough time for them to re-think their strategery and come back to engage honestly.

tl;dr -

  • archomrade [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Because it’s pretty clearly about his viewpoint, since the cited comment in the post is ‘this is my viewpoint, and that viewpoint is why i’m posting these things’

    If it’s about the volume of posts call it spamming and address it with a rule about post limits. Calling it bad-faith is necessarily about the reason he’s making the posts, not how many of them there are or the quality of the articles.

      4 months ago

      I have a new idea: Anyone who wants to hide behind “I am posting this as a far left person, to help the left, because I care super much about the left and if you don’t like my viewpoint you are clearly a shitlib censoring my helpful left viewpoint of shitting relentlessly on Biden,” has to post at least a 1:1 ratio of posts in favor of ranked choice voting, or local helpful leftist candidates, or directing people to a Palestine protest, or some left helpful viewpoint that isn’t “let’s have Trump come to power because Biden isn’t everything I hoped and dreamed for, as for-sure genuine leftist.”

      If the shills are gonna accuse people of policing viewpoint let’s police some fuckin viewpoints, to make sure they make some sense

      (Note: I am clearly joking about this. Mostly.)

      • archomrade [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I’m noticing you do this a lot:

        “We should require proof of support of some leftist goals from people who want to criticize biden - i’m only kidding (kinda)” “This instance looks a lot like a troll farm - i’m not accusing just saying it’s suspicious”

        Sounds to me like you wouldn’t be opposed to a political alignment test as a requirement to participating in political discussions (i’m clearly joking about this. mostly)

          4 months ago

          I talk from time to time about wanting to set up a forum where if you say something, you have to back it up, as a way to mitigate the impact of low-effort trolling “of COURSE we all agree Biden ruined the climate” from 5-10 different accounts as a technique to distort the discourse. I think it’s toxic if it is politically slanted so that someone with mod power is deciding what is the “right” political viewpoint, obviously; on that much we will agree. But I do think that the discourse is being radically distorted by the existence of organized shilling efforts, and I think about what would be a good solution to it (which seems like a pretty difficult problem), in ways which I am sure would be wildly unpopular with a certain segment of the userbase.

          You can characterize that as me thirsting to silence dissenting political views, if you want. I won’t stop you.

          • archomrade [he/him]
            4 months ago

            I don’t think you’re trying to silence political views at all, but I do think you’re trying to dismiss them as fringe, dishonest, or intentional subterfuge.

            Castigating people you disagree with as ‘shills’ or ‘bad faith actors’ is, in my opinion, the lowest quality of political commentary. It excuses you from engaging with what that person saying, simply because you doubt their honesty, as if somehow that invalidates what they’re saying. I think it’s lazy and I wish mods would enforce their own rules against it.

            I also find it frustrating that you continuously accuse people like myself and ozma of acting according to some agenda, but then appear in every political thread giving impassioned arguments about how we need to look past Biden’s flaws no matter how real they are, as if that is not itself a political agenda. Do I think you’re arguing that in bad faith? No, but then again i’m not in support of banning people who are simply too loud about their perspective.

              4 months ago

              Castigating people you disagree with as ‘shills’ or ‘bad faith actors’ is, in my opinion, the lowest quality of political commentary. It excuses you from engaging with what that person saying

              Can you point to anyone who’s said anything that I responded to without engaging on its own merits?

              Everyone has a rosy view of themselves I am sure, but in my mind, I’ve spent an almost pathological amount of time here talking to ozma about the merits of what he’s saying, on the face of them, and likewise for you, likewise for a lot of the other people. Then also in addition to that, if they display shill-like behavior I tend to call it out instead of just avoiding the potentially-unfair accusation. But I don’t think I have ever really led out of the gate with anything along the lines of “you’re a shill so that means I don’t have to respond to what you just said”.

              Can you point to an example of someone who said something and I just dismissed what they were saying instead of breaking down why (in my view) it wasn’t right, at least as a first step even if later I proceeded to what I thought of their motivations or changing the subject or etc?

              • archomrade [he/him]
                4 months ago

                If you need to qualify your acquittal with ‘but I haven’t said it to their face’, i think you’ve kind of proven the point. I don’t think the face-to-face accusation is at all a requirement for it to be considered lowbrow prejudice.

                That’s just in this thread, but i’ve seen quite a lot of, ‘i don’t know for sure, but this person/these people really seem like bad-faith trolls to me’ in your comment history. I run into it maybe once a week, and those are just the ones i happen to run into. I’ve seen you speculate that is a troll farm, based on what I assume is just your interactions with me (i don’t see you arguing with anyone else from here, anyway. maybe that’s just my vanity talking).

                Even if it’s not in response to what that person is saying, you’re still encouraging others to disengage with them based on some false notion of them being bad-actors.

                  4 months ago

                  I’ve told some people to their face (virtually speaking) that I think they are shills and why. Ozma is one, and in this thread I said it to somebody else after looking over their user a little bit. My point was that I generally engage with their arguments on the merits at first, and then proceed to accusing them of bad faith if it seems really clear to me that they’re engaging in bad faith; I don’t think I usually engage in it as a reason not to engage with their arguments.

                  I’ve seen you speculate that is a troll farm, based on what I assume is just your interactions with me

                  It wasn’t from you. If I ever fully realized that you were from I then forgot it; my instance doesn’t show what someone’s “home” instance is in comments unless I mouse over to investigate. It was a different user that raised my suspicion (who I didn’t really engage with all that much, just observed the type of stuff they posted), and the overall nature and setup of the site. If that’s relevant.

                  I’m not completely sure if you are a shill user or not. I have suspected it in the past. If I’m honest, you engage in some of the same types of behavior they do (using some particular talking points, and mischaracterizing what the other person is saying to a more convenient thing to argue against, being the most egregious), but that could just be what you feel like saying because you feel like saying it, and you also talk at length back and forth which is un-shill-like behavior, just because I think it’s not really time-efficient for them to do that for any extended debate.

                  Honestly, except for really egregious examples like ozma, I don’t feel like I can tell with any confidence who is and isn’t fake, so I tend to talk to people on the merits and then talk about fake users as a systemic problem as a separate thing.

                  Even if it’s not in response to what that person is saying, you’re still encouraging others to disengage with them based on some false notion of them being bad-actors.

                  Yeah, maybe so. I think in general, accusing people of acting in bad faith is a bad way to go, just because it doesn’t really lend itself to productive conversation (and I realize that’s ironic since I do do exactly that sometimes). Definitely getting into the weeds of ad hominem, categorizing each person in the discussion as is or isn’t a shill, shouldn’t be the main thrust of the discussion. It’s only relevant in this thread specifically with ozma because he does it like a full time frickin job.

                  That’s the other side of that coin: if there’s a cohort of users that is so clearly engaging in bad faith that it’s distorting the overall conversation, I do feel like that’s worth talking about. I don’t think it’s real productive to just play the sucker and keep saying “No actually Biden didn’t ruin the US’s climate change policy” over and over again indefinitely, without delving into why it is that so many people keep saying that he did and using the same very particular talking-point framing.

                  But yeah, the point about it being usually not really a friendly or productive thing to do to run around throwing accusations of shilling around, I’ll somewhat agree with you on.

                  • archomrade [he/him]
                    4 months ago

                    I’m not completely sure if you are a shill user or not. I have suspected it in the past. If I’m honest, you engage in some of the same types of behavior they do (using some particular talking points, and mischaracterizing what the other person is saying to a more convenient thing to argue against, being the most egregious), but that could just be what you feel like saying because you feel like saying it, and you also talk at length back and forth which is un-shill-like behavior, just because I think it’s not really time-efficient for them to do that for any extended debate.

                    Well I guess i appreciate the benefit of the doubt, even though I still take issue with the default seemingly being ‘shill, unless enough effort is shown’.

                    You and I, I think, have put in far more effort into arguing our cases than most people on here do. Most people who share my perspective have long since stopped trying to argue anything in good faith at all with centrists, because doing so almost always ends with an accusation. Therein lies the pitfall of the shill-unless-proven-otherwise attitude - it makes it easy to characterize most people as shills, enabling anyone to dismiss or accept a perspective at-will according to what they believe a ‘normal’ perspective to be.

                    I have no suspicion you are a troll - not because you put more effort into your comments than I think a bad actor would, but because it’s not hard for me to imagine your perspective as valid. It’s also not hard for me to imagine someone who supports trump, or doesn’t believe in climate change, or believes gay marriage is a sin (my relationship with my father is almost defined by our vociferous disagreement on those subjects). Half the battle of political organizing is trying to genuinely understand other people’s perspectives, and trying to persuade them on their terms, and writing those people off as bad-faith actors is a non-starter for organizing. I know people here value most of the same things I do, that’s why I harp on the things I do - those are the things we agree on, and those are the things I would like to organize pressure for. I have a lot of other perspectives I know for a fact are outside the norm for .world, and I don’t agitate for those on here because I know i’d sour any chances of progress on other fronts if I did.

                    Ozma likely sees things the same way I do: there are a lot of well-meaning and left-of-center people in this community, with a lot of overlap in overall goals. A part of any strategy for normalizing and organizing around more left-leaning policy is pointing to that discrepancy between what we all agree on and what our electoral system fails to produce, and that’s uncomfortable and easily misinterpreted as voter suppression. “Biden at all costs”, while completely justified, stifles any discussion of progress outside of what has been provided, so the ‘blue no matter who’ rhetoric is a natural target for any agitation. There is nothing that enrages me more than a good discussion about ‘we should do x’ being derailed by ‘well that’s not electorally realistic, not nationally popular, not gonna happen’, and those are the things that cause me to spend a week straight posting agitprop memes.

                    I’ll get off my soap box now. I think getting mad at the people agitating against complacency is counterproductive, even if it’s completely understandable.