The timing of this makes me feel a joke I made about them only doing Sims 5 because Paradox was making a competitor might have actually been true. 🤣
Wasn’t the Paradox one canceled too?
Yes, that’s what they’re saying.
Yeah; that’s why they cancelled this one. Don’t need it anymore lol
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The Sims 4 is not quite a fan favorite. It is disappointing that they may be working on it for another 5-10 years
There’s no way what they had in store for Sims 5 would have pleased the fans disappointed by Sims 4.
Sims 4 was already a last minute attempt to correct course of something those fans never asked for. An always online multiplayer skinner box, probably barely simulating anything at all. They only shifted when the terrible SimCity 2013 crashed and burned.
It was too little, too late, Sims 4 at release ended up the most incomplete release a Sims game ever had and even after many updates is still the most boring experience you could have with the series. Even the bugs are not the entertaining kind.
Guaranteed, Sims 5 was going to try more of what Sims 4 was supposed to be.
I really doubt Sims 5 would have been what Sims 4 tried. I’m reasonably confident it would have been a single player first game, and with that in mind would bring back the open world and that stuff. Would it have been good? Who knows. I doubt it’d be the dumb lobby thing that The Sims 4 was.
I would like a mobile version of Sims with loot boxes.
And season passes. And a monthly subscription even for the base game.
I’ll buy that for $500
For that you’ll have the Ultimate™ Edition. It has about 30% of total content.
Nah, it has 100% - of the first season and until the shop refreshes.
Or just release a build mode only version of the game where the price on the cover is the true price.
Why not fifteen dollar toilet color skins?
You build your houses with toilets? Lame.
I’m sorry that I play The Sims differently then you do.
One of my favorite Sims
torture chambershousing projects was a spiral with espresso machines at each corner. In the middle was one toilet. I invited all of the neighbors over and watched the chaos unfold.
So the Sims 5 was only in development because of that one competitor that recently got cancelled?
Which competitor?
Life By You, published by Paradox was cancelled, for some undisclosed reason, not even to the developers themselves it seems. It was supposed to be close to release.
There are other life sim projects in progress (the indie Paralives I think is the one gathering attention right now).
All the footage we’ve ever seen of it was very frame-y, so I just assumed it was a technical mess that couldn’t be saved.
Paradox is the mess that can’t be saved, they just wanted to rush that thing but after the heat they took from Cities Skylines 2 they got cold feed and just cancelled everything.
It was a damn shame since it was being made by the producer of Sims 3 too, very ambitious, was quite ugly but that’s what early access was for anyway.
The game delayed at least three times I believe, for several months each time. They weren’t being rushed. They missed deadline after deadline and still weren’t where they needed to be, so I’m assuming Paradox saw this as the core being broken and canning it, instead of just throwing more money into that hole. I can’t really blame them either. Everything we saw looked janky and not good. That was pre-release content of course, and I was still hopeful there was something worth it in there, but Paradox must not have.
iirc we’ve known about Sims 5 since before PDX’s game got announced, but maybe not. The biggest competitor was always Paralives to me anyway, since it looks better and more polished.
I’m still on the Sims 3 because you can get it origin free still, but I feel like the Sims treadmill is just buying mostly the same game over and over. There’s a lot of franchises like that, but I feel like it’s a lot harder for a game like the Sims with the demographics it serves to keep creating reasons to upgrade.
Sims 3 is better than sims 4 but sims 4 runs better on shittier hardware. Sims 4 doesn’t have an open world to the degree sims 3 does so it doesn’t have to process every sim walking around in the entire world and their unoptimized pathfinding at all times.
Perhaps now in the age of higher single core cpu clock speeds, maybe it’s not as bad.
Edit: a word
I thought the entire Sims system was releasing a new game and then dropping the same 50 DLC until the next one was ready to repeat the cycle. I guess they’ll just milk Sims 4 forever?
they’re probably still making ‘enough’ money off the addons and dlc for the current one (which itself is now free-to-play), that they don’t have to remake it again to resell remade addons and extras again…yet.
The only reason they were making a sequel was because there was going to be a competitor to their 10 year old game that would absolutely take the market share of this niche. Now that the competition died they can put the devs back to making a bunch of overpriced DLC for another 10 years or when ever another viable competitive game shows up on their radar.
EA knows their current Sims game has been a flop they had to make the base game free to play. They wanted a games as service model but 2013 SimCity had such a strong backlash they had to scramble to make it something else and hope no one noticed. So here we are with an underperforming game from a series that pretty much always topped the charts when it released a new game or expansion pack. Thats how bad they screwed up.
Honestly, this was likely for the best. With the direction of sims 4, I don’t think Sims 5 would have done well, yes I was interested in it but, I fully expected it would be a game I was passing on due to corporate greed. Sims 4 was missing critical core mechanics for the sims games, relying on DLC to add it in postfacto. it has the same clock bugs that sims 3 had, without the requirement of the game being a longlasting game with a lot of items, and was missing base items that was logical that a life sim would have (like alarm clocks… lol) I think them releasing the sims 5 with that tendancy in their studio would mark the end of the genre for them, and I think they knew that.
The Sims 4 was an online game forced to be single player. That’s why it’s so broken. Lots have to be instanced, unlike 3, because they were basically lobbies for players. Showing them all would have been too much data.
This isn’t to say The Sims 5 would have been good but, assuming it was single player from the start, it couldn’t have been worse. I would have pirated it probably.
Wonder how this will affect Paralives. Less competition with this and Life By You gone, but possibly bigger expectations from disappointed fans?
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The OG Sims was the only game in the franchise with soul
Cancelled… for now.
You know what… if it turned out that they just sent it back to the lab because someone had the idea to try and get all the Sims to run on AI or something I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. It is EA after all.
EA: “We’ve added AI to allow your Sim to take care of themselves entirely without your help! Pay $14.99 a month to watch you Sim feed itself, apply for jobs, build and furnish their own home! You don’t have to do anything, except purchase additional packs your Sim requests to live it’s best life. Sims AI, Because We Deserve This”
Edit: wait, crap, I just described an idle clicker.
Honestly, a rich simulation human ant farm game could be pretty cool to chill out and watch. That’s sort of what The Sims is, except they’ll die if you don’t provide some input.
(Also, why have we never gotten a SimAnt 2?)
Sim Ant 2 would have been too good for EA after they got the rights. Can’t monetize ants? (But look, this ant has a rare gacha Hawaiian shirt! So cool)
Someone could totally just take the early build that leaked and finish it. Shouldn’t be much to it, right?
Barely a framework for selling DLC, one would imagine
Why not make The Sim remastered ?
Now introducing, The Sims - Remastered! Now with an online community store to maximize your potential sim needs!