for me it’s White Chicks, lost the number of times i watched it, also recommend Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
Kung Fu Hustle by Stephen Chow
The Return of the Pink Panther
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Young Frankenstein Frankenstein
What can I say? A man of simple tastes.
The first time I watched it in its entirety I was on shrooms. I fell asleep after it was over, and woke up to it playing from the beginning (comedy central late night replay) and I watched it again. Lol
Holy Grail. Animal House.
Kung Fury
Hot Fuzz
Billy Madison
Out Cold
Major Payne
Blazing Saddles
… Just to name some off the top of my head.
I still use, ‘like white on rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm’ in normal conversation. Love that movie.
The Princess Bride, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Both have so many great lines they still crack me up every time!
Not a movie but every few years I do a rerun of Scrubs (but not the last season).
The UK version that predates it by about 6 years is called Green Wing btw
Superbad. Airplane
I watch both VERY often and still love all the jokes
Penguins (of Madegascar): The Movie is the funniest film ever made and infinitely quotable.
Grandmas boy and role models.
Hotel Paradiso
Hot fuzz
Grandma’s Boy!