according to a site called democracymatrix there are 35 countries more democratic than the us
the countries
- Denmark
- Norway
- Finland
- Sweden
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Belgium
- Costa Rica
- Spain
- Luxembourg
- Australia
- Estonia
- Iceland
- Ireland
- United Kingdom
- Austria
- France
- South Korea
- Lithuania
- Italy
- Portugal
- Canada
- Japan
- Taiwan
- Uruguay
- Cyprus
- Chile
- Slovakia
- Greece
- Czech Republic
- Latvia
- Barbados
- Israel
Well yes, but actually no.
Speaking about Ireland, you guys should totally watch this movie. It literally speaks about how things are going nowadays.
I literally live here.
Thus you know the name of the biggest party in the Northern Ireland Assembly? You know, the one with an Irish name.
Sinn Fein, yes. But what’s that got to do with the point in hand?
Northern Ireland is not Ireland.
Then why is it named “Ireland”?
It’s named Northern Ireland.