this thing I want is $15 cheaper in camo but I hate camo I associate it with murder is there anything cool about camo. also its got butterfly shapes mixed in with the blobs. is camo y2k
Look at this picture of me and my wife and tell me that’s NOT cool.
I don’t get it I only see the forest, you’re saying there’s 2 people here?? Where???
If you look closely, you can see a breeding pair of
thers no murder in this photo but there is a slay…
What a silly hat
you know those tuxedo print t-shirts? I was on vacation in a really shitty part of Florida and saw one in a dead mall where the bowtie and vest were camo printed. it has become one of my favorite shirts and always gets comments/reactions, which allows me to retort, deadpan, “well it seemed like a formal thing so I figured I should dress nice.”
generally im with you and I think camo is aesthetically kinda busted looking, especially the modern hunting commercial camp and the US military multicam patterns. I kinda like the old school 80s style more, as a throwback to those action flicks and I could totally see wearing a camo pattern from a nation hostile to NATO.
I could totally see wearing a camo pattern from a nation hostile to NATO
I have a DDR strichtarn field jacket that’s p cool. My partner thinks it’s super ugly so I mostly wear it to do yard work lol
Just looked up strichtarn out of curiosity. Is it an effective pattern irl?
It doesn’t look like it would break up form or outline very well at all from photos.
I’m going to guess not really. Most of the people who used it after Czechoslovakia and the DDR are forces in Africa and former Yugoslav conflicts that just used what they could get for cheap.
I wear camo, but usually not like useful patterns
I don’t think bright pink or purple urban camo will ever save me in a firefight
But I look good in it
I don’t think bright pink or purple urban camo will ever save me in a firefight
Maybe if you’re in Candyland or something
I have longed for the day when I could drive a blade into the heart of that perfidious King Candy
I have longed for the day when I could drive a
bladepeppermint shiv into the heart of that perfidious King CandyFixed that for you
what if I’m suddenly engaged in a tactical situation at the Ice Cream Museum
Set phasers to chill
Seriously tho what is it and what camo pattern?
Have you considered big veiny dick camo?
CW: big veiny dick camo
camo sux. find $15
is camo y2k
I had several items of clothing with different varieties of camo, including a sparkly glitter camo shirt and silvery-grey camo wide-leg pants
my favorite shirt was a small fitted vintage camo tee
wow i can’t tell the speed or heading of that ship
No it doesnt need to be cool. Its has a use and putting it on things that dont need to be hidden is cringe
Still think camo can’t look cool??
Camo makes it way easier to lose shit in the woods. Hell of a benefit.
If you needed to walk unimpeded through both a protest composed of maga preppers and counter-protest composed of anarchists dressed like 90’s ravers then it would work.
Camo is cool if you’re into like, Terrorwave or some shit like that. otherwise its a little odd to match.