• nanook@friendica.eskimo.com
    9 hours ago

    @griefstricken @fruitycoder I don’t think political change is even desirable, contrasted with Dmitry Medvedev and especially with Boris Yeltsin and Mikhail Gorbachev before him and pretty much the farther back you go the worse it gets, Konstantin Chernenko, Yuri Andropov, I mean farther back you go the worse they get. I think Putin really has been the most willing to work with us if we had only returned the same in kind, as any Russian leader in history. As for political change, though I do not think it will come as a result the political will of the people, sure he has his detractors but think most people are not unhappy with him, where it’s likely to come is simply the fact that he is 72 years old, we don’t know the state of his health or how long it will hold up.

    • Oblique Obscurantist@lemmy.ml
      9 hours ago

      It’s a horrifying prospect unless you just want to maintain access to natural resource and monopoly rents via international corps, offered up by whatever Navalny type they would want to take power.

      Medvedev… yeah no way but it would be funny.