03 track 3.mp3 03 track 3(1).mp3
Hearing a song that you’ve downloaded playing on the radio, surprised it didn’t skip in that one spot
Hearing a song that you’ve downloaded playing on the radio, surprised it didn’t skip in that one spot
To this day my brain still jams in neutral when I don’t hear a skip at the end of Guerilla Radio the last time Zach says “now”
There was a pirated copy of “We are the Champions” by Queen circulating LimeWire and Kazaa circa 2003 that’s given a generation of people mental whiplash.
Some hooligan thought it would be funny to splice/cut/edit “of the world” at the end of the song, so it concludes with “We are the champions” (jump cut / obvious splice) “of the wooooorld.”
There’s entire threads out there dedicated to finding that copy of the song because millions of people have heard it, but no one makes the connection between the hostile actors modifying those songs and sharing them on file-sharing applications versus the originals.
There were also numerous garage band covers circulating around also - “Smells like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana was a popular one to hear in extremely low quality with someone banging spoons or something.
Naz remembers.
I accidentally downloaded a version of Du Hast back in the day that had a whole bunch of StarCraft unit quotes mixed into it that my dad fell in love with, despite never playing StarCraft. He literally likes it better than the real version lol.
What do you mean? Didn’t Freddie sing it that way live? It doesn’t end that way on the studio recording? Did they edit the studio version to match the live renditions?
Oh shiiiiiit son I remember getting in an argument with my cousin about that!!
Those don’t hold a candle to Track05-UnknownArtist
.wma or .mp3 tho?
or *.mp3 .exe
Left my computer on for 2 days to download a movie and it turned out to be porn.
Porn you could watch or a wmv file that opens a website asking for payment?
Porn I could watch. However being prepubescent at the time I was shocked rather than interested.
Core memory unlocked! The anticipation of waiting for the download to complete and then hear something absolutely wrong was frustrating but I look back at it now and can’t help but laugh.
My fav was downloading a track and then every 10~ish seconds it playing ‘this is Mike Jones’
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”
Damn it! I swear that was the correct file. Oh well, here I go downloading again! I’m sure it’ll be right this time right??
But then sometimes you download it and it’s a shitty phone recording from some obscure live session
Oh my god YES I completely forgot about that!!
I had a copy of Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet that would cut out and loop back in the middle of the song. I listened to it so much I could sing along without missing a beat. Then whenever I heard the right version, it always felt weird when the song flowed through normally.
I had more than a few tracks that had AIM sign in/out door noises in the middle. Always made me laugh
Then you end up hating the “original” because you associate the downloaded one as the original and then life can never be the same again.
Just load up Winamp and listen to it on your beige plastic speakers and forget the actual version exists.
I had one of these in college. It was a good little player. Reasonably inexpensive. One end was a cap that came off and was a full size USB, so that you didn’t need to carry around cables.
I’m not going to tell you how long it took me to figure out that the hold switch made the storage mount as read only when plugged into a computer.
I went through a few over the years. Some were this exact brand (in blue or black). Some were basically the same but more square. At first they had built-in storage, but later ones just had a micro SD slot. Some used a AAA battery, some rechargeable. Some had an FM radio tuner built-in.
They were all great. My smartphones ended up replacing them eventually, but it was really nice to have physical buttons. And, in college in the 2010’s, it was nice to have a USB drive on me at all times.
Must have been nice to afford an mp3 player back then. I bet you unironically Grey Pouponed people too.
Dongle mp3 players were super cheap, you could get one for basically free in the early aughts.
They’re the lowest tier nugget and companies kept giving them away with their logo on it
What? These were only like 30 euro, every kid with some pocket money could get one.
I got one of these for like $20 at Sears. They were far from bougie lol
I thought the Grey Poupon reference would have made it pretty clear it was a joke, but whatever.
You don’t know me. I’m not yelling. What is wrong with you people. Hit_me_baby1Mo_time.mp3
Limp Bizkit - Nookie (cookie monster version)
This brings me back to Napster days
I was not expecting to see this here, but here we are. And you bet your ass I’m singing it in my head.
By the time I got an Mp3 player like this, the second generation iPod released soon after. 😬
It’s better than ipad anyway. You just stick it in to load music onto it, you don’t need iTunes or a cable, and it’s nore compact too. I miss those simple devices.
You can still buy 'em on AliExpress for example (I got the RUIZU MP3 player without a screen for 20€). If you are a sound nerd or hifi enthusiast you can get one that connects to a Bluetooth DAC (like the fiio for example) for super sound.
It’s kind of quiet in a way to just push play and knowing exactly what you’ll get (no hiccups, no commercials, no “you maybe’ll like this new song Spotify stuff”…).
I remember way back in the day helping a friend back up their stuff. I never had used an iPod before and plugged theirs in to their computer expecting to be able to just use the file browser to get to it, like common sense would dictate. That’s the day I discovered Apple doesn’t really do common sense.
I’d download files that were called like cool.house.music2003.mp3. Found some legitimately good tracks that I could never identify that way.
track id???
deleted by creator
Nobody got time for that, everyone was happy listening to Unknown Artist - Unknown track
Nah my metadata was on point with notes and everything.
I used to fill out metadata like it was a hobby. Albums were in organized folders “artist/album/disc no. - track no. . track title.mp3”. Some had release year and composer metadata lol
Good times