Dodging the Vietnam draft is the one thing I agree with trump on
To be fair, Trump didn’t dodge for altruistic reasons. That said, the soldier in the post is clearly proud of what he did, and Vietnam would be right to issue an arrest warrant for him
I wouldn’t say he seems proud or ashamed, necessarily.
He’s just telling people not to be hypocrites.
The soldier is so proud that he signed his name on this jpeg in comic sans.
which is great for folk with dyslexia to read
Saw a yard sign in a rural area the other day. “I’m a vet, not a loser or a sucker.”
Sad that I can’t tell if that’s a Trump supporter or not…“He didn’t mean me, I’m one of the good ones!”
Saw something similar, if not the same thing, while walking my brother’s dogs. We ain’t in a rural area, though.
Draft dodgers are the brave ones with fucking morals. (Note: only applies to those with anti-war beliefs not rich fucks who just wanted out personally)
Ok but I’m not thanking a Vietnam vet for their service. The US should never have gone to Vietnam. The US should be responsible for the horrors they committed abroad.
Which is true, the US should not have gone. However, many people were drafted for war in Vietnam, and going may not have been their choice.
I still don’t think thanking them for their service is the right thing to say, maybe something along the lines of “I’m sorry you were forced into a horrible war.”
The guy in the picture, though, is a senior chief petty officer, which pretty much means he did 20 years at least. This guy retired and is still collecting a check from the government. A far cry from the draftees who were forced into combat and forgotten about as soon as they got home, lucky to have survived at all.
You have no way of knowing what his status at the time was or why he enlisted. It’s entirely possible he was dirt poor, with a bad draft number, so he joined the Navy to make sure he wouldn’t be on the ground in Vietnam. And staying in after would make sense at that point as he doesn’t have anything to go home to.
Very true, however I was merely drawing a distinction between those drafted and tossed aside, and those who the original commenter said had committed horrors abroad. This guy is more likely to have been complicit.
To be fair, given his job, this guy probably didn’t commit wild atrocities. He probably stared at a screen, waiting for the Viet Cong to deploy submarines.
This guy retired and is still collecting a check from the government. A far cry from the draftees who were forced into combat
Yeah so screw this guy. I can sympathize with the vets who didn’t want to be there, but this guy was pushing for it. Roy C. Labit Jr is a terrible human being.
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You cannot win against the ml brain rot, in their minds they have the moral high ground which justifies all of their rhetoric lol
Ok? So does that mean I should thank them for committing war crimes?
If anything I should thank people for draft dodging
Most vets really don’t want you thanking them. They just want the stuff the law says they’re supposed to have to get back into civilian life, reward long service, or get treatment.
Being proud of it in 2024 is very much voluntary
If someone asks me to serve the US military, I am sabotaging whatever I can because I am a decent human being.
If they didn’t frag their commanding officer or otherwise dodge the draft, they functioned as a servant of imperialism, and as such, should have gotten got by the Viet Minh. (yes, including your grandpa)
Draft dodging is good. Being a veteran is bad. Thanks for listening to my ted talk.
Being a Chickenhawk is the real problem.
Buncha fucking losers in this thread. Imagine letting Donald Trump be your moral superior on the issue of murdering innocent people.
Trump’s draft dodging was one of the only good things he did. You’re telling me you’d prefer if he helped dump agent orange across Vietnam and flatten communities older than the US itself?
You know the US were the bad guys, right?