Could someone explain the joke to me? I’m big sleep deprived at the moment and all I can think of is it being a little silly for a butterfly to be rabid. The second Latin name is clearly “literally” spelled funny, but my brain just is not connecting the dots
It’s absurd, that’s all.
I think you’re on track, this comic just wants you to have a light chuckle at the idea of a rabid butterfly.
The name is real though, an alias of the Bhutanitis:
Oh neat, thank you!
Rabies is a mammal exclusive illness.
There’s nothing funny about spreading misinformation!
Unless I do it.
they are dressed as African game hunters, hunting big prey, and the prey is rabid - but it’s a butterfly.
[Bhutanitis] lidderdalei was first discovered by Dr. Lidderdale in 1868 in Bhutan, at about 6,000 feet, near Buxa. Between 1886 and 1890 the late H. J. Elwes sent three parties of native collectors from Darjeeling to procure the insect. The first was plundered by the Bhotias, the second was attacked by fever and one of its members died, the third had a man killed by a tiger, and all returned unsuccessful. Specimens were later procured by Mr. A. V. Knyvett, then Inspector of Police, who gave them to Mr. Elwes …
Anyone wanna toss in their money for rabid butterflies in 2025?
I’ll bet against it.
Fun fact, Butterflies are just as happy to drink blood as nectar.