Identiy that the fault is how we fund healthcare, not “government meddling” or “bad researchers”.
Pick a major political party.
Register as a member and find out where your local meetings are.
Make clear that the ONLY issue you care about is fixing healthcare.
Volunteer, donate, or run if you can.
Vote in every general, primary, or special election for whomever makes fixing healthcare a priority. Spoil if you must, but VOTE.
Dont fall for lies.
Fixing healthcare funding is itself broadly popular, but since its inherently unprofitable to care for sick, disabled, or elderly people all possible fixes are either “socialism” or “die quickly”
Healthcare should be like roads or schools or calling the police, not like cars or contractors or hiring a lawyer.
If you call the police you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks.
If you call for an am ambulance, you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks AND will definitely have a huge bill that you have to pay.
Assuming you’re a US citzen:
Fixing healthcare funding is itself broadly popular, but since its inherently unprofitable to care for sick, disabled, or elderly people all possible fixes are either “socialism” or “die quickly”
Healthcare should be like roads or schools or calling the police, not like cars or contractors or hiring a lawyer.
It shouldn’t be like calling the police.
If you call the police you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks.
If you call for an am ambulance, you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks AND will definitely have a huge bill that you have to pay.
Why not, it will definitely reduce the amount of sick people. Because they are dead of course, but still.
Joking obviously.