There is also a discussion on reddit:
There is also a discussion on reddit:
Have a look at the reddit comments. A lot of women have suffered from this and were not taken seriously, i.e. a lot of physicians hadn’t considered this. So I think it’s good this is getting some attention.
The plural of anecdote is not evidence, and antivaxxers have been known to lie.
How nice of you, despite evidence that the vaccine often does fuckup the menstrual cycle you still do not take these reports seriously! You do realize that this dismissiveness is the very reason so many people do not trust the new vaccines?
Ahh, yes all of the following reports are straight lies and everyone posting is antivaxx:
Many people? In the grand theme of things most people have been vaccinated…
You are absolutely right, 2+ billion people is not that many…
2+ billion people don’t trust the new vaccines? lmao
Don’t change the topic then and talk about the number of people that trust the vaccines, not just the number of vaccinated people.
Also, guess which country still doesn’t offer mRNA shots? Ohh, right that would be China! Instead classical vaccines are used. But clearly China is also antivaxx because they do not trust the new mRNA vaccines?
No I didn’t say they’re antivax, what are you talking about?