To credit the artist: cartoon by @LukeyMcGarry on IG
The horse should be side eying the wormheaded one
It is
I will never get tired of the Vance “couchfucking” thing. Yes, it’s totally made up, and the author of the tweet that started it went out of their way to explain that it was fictional.
Still, it’s completely believable because of his weak, off putting character. “Couchfucker” is the perfect metaphor to describe the kind of person he is.
I’d still like a form of parody that’s actually based in reality - the kind of insult that makes people turn away in shame rather than cringe at one’s made-up fantasies. There’s plenty of that to make fun of in these fascists.
I’m sure that’s why it stuck
Yeah. It just fits so well.
Just like how JD Vance fits in between seat cushions
Shouldn’t that cooler say “roadkill cub meat”
Husk needs to be tweaked to be doing a Nazi salute. In fairness to the artist it would have been a bit intellectually lazy as a metaphor before today.
I forgot all about the whole couchfucking thing.
How could you? It’s in his book.
Yes, everyone who has read his book agrees it’s in his book.
This is most accurate representation of our current clusterfuck in the USA; These four fools are the doom of a slowly dying nation.
Trump riding the white horse of pestilence. Fitting.
I looked, and beheld a white horse. And the man that sat on it was death. And hell followed with him.
I could be misremembering that a bit tbf
A bit. The color of death’s horse (χλωρός) is usually translated as either pale or pale green (note that this is the chloro in chlorophyll). Death in this case is often associated with pestilence since sick people often have a pale green complexion. The rider of the white horse wears a crown and brings conquest.
Ah, well correct. I appreciate your scholarship
I wondered if it was also a play on “white house”, but maybe not intentionally.
If ever they was an avatar of pestilence… RFK jr
Thanks to Binding of Isaac, I now know there was a 5th horseman. Who gets to usher in on that one?
The four horseshits of Apocalypse.
I really needed this meme today. Thank you OP!