I mean a bladder can’t even hold a fifth of a gallon (more like 500ml) so we are already saying it is not possible but assuming there in the future is a human cyborg or a robot the same mass and volume as a human, they would need 60psi and 3.33 gal capacity for two seconds. This info is based on water powered jetpack companies that do this service. So, I did over look one thing: the jetpacks are dual and attached to your legs and they happen over water so not sure the rest of the calculations because I am not certain whether each jetpack has same psi for it to work or it is a combined psi and the water just comes from a hose so there is no capacity but the speed needs to be at least 100gpm.
That would be a challenge to find out. Because I would look for the material with the minimum durability, not just a metal tank, lol. Like what is the weakest material that can still withstand this type of thing.
I mean a bladder can’t even hold a fifth of a gallon (more like 500ml) so we are already saying it is not possible but assuming there in the future is a human cyborg or a robot the same mass and volume as a human, they would need 60psi and 3.33 gal capacity for two seconds. This info is based on water powered jetpack companies that do this service. So, I did over look one thing: the jetpacks are dual and attached to your legs and they happen over water so not sure the rest of the calculations because I am not certain whether each jetpack has same psi for it to work or it is a combined psi and the water just comes from a hose so there is no capacity but the speed needs to be at least 100gpm.
what material would a bladder need to be made out of… hrm hold pls
That would be a challenge to find out. Because I would look for the material with the minimum durability, not just a metal tank, lol. Like what is the weakest material that can still withstand this type of thing.
Silicone Rubber
Polyurethane (PU) Elastomers
Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs)
or traditional latex rubber
I remember learning a bladder begins to spasm at 600mL, so we could actually use this spastic pressure to help us levitate. In this paper, I propose…