I get this visceral disgust when people feel the need to maintain their heterosexuality like it’s a coveted state of being. Like it has to be some accomplishment. Like any exploration of other sexualities or any cessation of desire has changed you as a person. You don’t even have to like every girl if you don’t want to, man. What a dumb game to play for no gain. When I play a dumb game for no gain, I get to do submission wrestling and it’s a lot of fun. When you play a dumb game for no gain, you tell me that I’m touching sweaty dudes in BJJ.
I hope this post is enshrined on my heterosexuality record and follows me to the pearly gates where I have to explain to Peter why I don’t give a fuck about how straight I am.
I get this visceral disgust when people feel the need to maintain their heterosexuality like it’s a coveted state of being. Like it has to be some accomplishment. Like any exploration of other sexualities or any cessation of desire has changed you as a person. You don’t even have to like every girl if you don’t want to, man. What a dumb game to play for no gain. When I play a dumb game for no gain, I get to do submission wrestling and it’s a lot of fun. When you play a dumb game for no gain, you tell me that I’m touching sweaty dudes in BJJ.
I hope this post is enshrined on my heterosexuality record and follows me to the pearly gates where I have to explain to Peter why I don’t give a fuck about how straight I am.
Let’s clean house, “gold star gay” needs to go too for the same reason.
tfw you want to be a gold star bisexual, but there’s still genders you haven’t slept with
When you finally accepted you were bi and stopped hiding it from others but then the hormones made you straight again the other way smh.
Well to be fair, you’re talking to/about a Fox New host.
Like, what else do you expect, lol.