While I don’t expect or hope to ever need it, as an American, I would like to be prepared to resist as much as necessary if needed. It’s looking like it might be needed at some point here.
I’m looking to get a rifle or two for that specific purpose just in case. Can anyone recommend specific brands/models and/or features I should be looking for? I’m disabled in a way that limits my ability to hold anything heavy, so lighter weight is good. I have a revolver, but that’s probably not the best for standing up against a repressive regime.
I plan to train with whatever I get, of course. Thanks in advance.
Edit: There way too much information here for me to reply to it all individually, but I would like to say thank you to everyone for your very helpful responses.
AR-15. With how common they are you can easily find a configuration to your liking and can just as easily find parts and ammo. They are very reliable, easy to upkeep, easy to clear jams, easy to mod, easy to shoot, etc.
I’d also suggest a reliable pistol that holds 10 or more rounds, a Glock 17 or 19 would be my recommendation. They are super reliable, stupid easy to assemble, and take the most common ammo. Just like the AR-15, Glocks are easy and reliable and there is a huge market for things like holsters and magazines.
I’m a vet and developed a dislike for the AR15 platform, but this is a solid recommendation. All things considered, it’s easy to source, and ammo is plentiful.
People said 5.56 ARs because that’s what military and shtf cops would have…
But military is going to
6.56.8mm and that trickles down to cops fast. And the production lines for ammo would go with them. So 5.56 won’t be ‘cheap’ forever, and if things go crazy won’t be all over the place like we thought because it wouldnt be deployed with troopsBut the reason we’re moving from 5.56 is it lacks the punch of AKs especially against body armor.
So for a rifle I’d say a generic AK these days. 5 years from now? I’ll probably say a
6.56.8mm AR.For open/nightstand you can’t beat the classic Beretta. If you want to have what cops/military would have go p320 these days. But 9mm loads into any 9mm magazine, and whatever you’re getting, get a bunch of magazines.
For “waistband” carry tho I’m going to say the new Keltec p15. 15+1 the skinnier than a single stack subcompact, and actually pretty accurate. Pretty much zero chance if “finding” magazines if shit happens, but you should buy in bulk anyways.
An AK-47 or AK-74 will have no advantage against hard armor compared to a 5.56 AR-15, only genuine armor piercing rounds would make any difference, for any of them.
If you’ve seen combat footage from Ukraine, you’ll notice that despite most combatants wearing armor, it doesn’t make them particularly resilient against direct small arms fire, and I think most of it isn’t even AP. the armor buys them a second chance in some cases, but if the enemy don’t hit the armor, they go down regardless, even if it’s not immediately fatal.
I wouldn’t suggest anyone concern themself with having the best armor piercing capability, it matters much less than you’d think.
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What kind of 6.5?
I’m pretty sure the magazines are the same like 5.56/300blk which means you would just have to swap the upper receiver (including barrel) out.
As far as brands that’s just budget and I don’t stay up to date on what’s the best value
I meant to say 6.5 creedmoor, or something else? I know there are a few different newer 6.5 calibers.
I fucked up, it’s 6.8mm the military is switching to:
Ooh, ok, no worries :)